ronituohino / battle-sheep

Battle Sheep universtiy project
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

tiralabra - Battle Sheep

Battle Sheep board game website for Data Structures Lab course at University of Helsinki.

This project is (or was at some point) live at


Design document (Määrittelydokumentti)
Manual (Käyttöohje)
Testing report (Testausdokumentti)
Implementation report (Toteutusdokumentti)

Weekly reports

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6

Test coverage

Setting up

Install Node:


Install with nvm using the installation instructions.


Navigate to the installer website and run Node LTS installer.

Project dependencies

To install the project dependencies, run in the project root:

npm install

Start up!

npm run dev


All commands are listed in package.json under scripts and they are executable with:

npm run <script>

Here are some important ones:
Start up local development environment:

npm run dev

Run ESLint:

npm run lint

Run unit tests:

npm run test

Run performance tests:

npm run performance

Generate unit test coverage report:

npm run coverage