This project implements API client and command line interface (CLI) for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes game. Data is retrieved from third party services provided by other developers:
The CLI uses and the helper to provide rich information about character, ships and mods.
A basic client for (website crawling) and is also provided. as of now this implementation is not extensivelly tested.
The API client for the Go programming language is available using the import
import ""
Read the full documentation at
You can use this command line interface to parse your characters, ships, and mods. The data is cached as a JSON file that you can parse and use in other apps. The output to stdout can also be used for several purposes, such as feed data into a spreadsheet.
If you just want to use it, go to the Release Page and download the one for your operating system.
You can also install the tool using the Go toolchain:
go get
To see the full list of available options, run:
swgoh -help
For each invocation you need to provide the credentials.
The parameters -u "myuser"
and -p "mypass"
are mandatory.
To list your ships, you can use the following command:
swgoh -u "myuser" -p "mypass" -a "allycode" -ships
The result is a CSV list of your ships, their level, and stars.
To list your characters, you can use the following command:
swgoh -u "myuser" -p "mypass" -a "allycode" -characters
The result is a CSV list of your characters, their level, stars, and gear level.
You can use the -mods switch to export all your mods to the standard output formatted as CSV:
swgoh -u "myuser" -p "mypass" -a "allycode" -mods
It is possible to display single character or your arena team statistics using the -stats or -arena switches.
To display statistics from a single character, type:
swgoh -u "myuser" -p "mypass" -a "allycode" -stats -char Tarkin
And to display the current stats of your arena team, use the -arena option. Both character and ship arenas will be shown:
swgoh -u "myuser" -p "mypass" -a "allycode" -arena
Caching is done for several API consumed files. This serves two pourposes: avoid overloading the API endpoints and gives you a local copy of the JSON files for your parsing needs.
Cached data is stored in $HOME/.config/
You can change the value using the system variable $SWGOH_CACHE_DIR
This folder is created if does not exists.
In that folder, a file gamedata.json
holds cached data for several game
related info, such as unit names and other info.
The CLI also stores profile data in ALLYCODE.json
files in the cache directory.