Cached, parsed player profile data
WARNING this is a beta software, under active development. Use at your own risk.
Tired to scrape the website constantly for data consumption? Getting too much HTTP 402 responses? Freat not, here is your solution.
This API is designed to be an easy escrape-to-JSON converter. Using ronoaldo/swgoh as parsing library, this microservice caches the parsed data for it's lifetime (around 24hs) and serves responses in about 80ms.
Leaveraging memcache for ultra-fast responses, and with a on-demand, background syncing engine that does not overloads the website, this API can be used by apps and bots to enhance the player experience.
Please note that you may get blacklisted, graylisted and all sorts of "listed" things if you use this to bad things.
As uncle Old Ben once told us: "with great power comes great responsibility"
It requires a Google Cloud Platform account, but depending on your usage, you should stay in the free quota. You also will need to install Google Cloud SDK and Google App Engine Go SDK. update --application your-project-id --version beta .
Please refer to the Google Cloud Platform documentation on Google
App Engine and setting up gcloud
and the SDK.