roock / puppet-bareos_exporter

Puppet Module to Deploy the Bareos Prometheus Exporter
Apache License 2.0
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bareos puppet

bareos exporter

This will install the Bareos Prometheus Exporter.

Inspired by Puppet Postgresql Exporter

Table of Contents


Briefly tell users why they might want to use your module. Explain what your module does and what kind of problems users can solve with it.

This should be a fairly short description helps the user decide if your module is what they want.


Setup Requirements

The module depends on the following puppet modules:

Beginning with exporter

The most basic example is:

include bareos_exporter

The module will assume that it will run as user postgres (which needs to already exist) and will connect to the database bareos on local host. You can tweak the database connection settings with the dsn and dbtype param as well as you can specify the user the daemon shoould run and if the user/group should get create.


A more complete example:

class { '::bareos_exporter':
  manage_user           => true,
  manage_group          => true,
  bareos_exporter_user  => 'bareos',
  bareos_exporter_group => 'bareos',
  datasource            => 'user=bareos host=/var/run/postgresql/ sslmode=disable',
  dbtype                => 'pgx',




Tested with Debian 10 and 11, but should be fine on any Linux that uses Systemd.