room-15 / ChatSE

An Android application for StackOverflow and StackExchange chat! Revived by Tristan Wiley, base app created by Anubian
Apache License 2.0
22 stars 18 forks source link
android app chat stackexchange stackoverflow
Branch Status
master CircleCI
develop CircleCI


Android app for Stack Exchange chat. Currently in development, see to view active issues. We'd love any community help.

What the fkey is the fkey?

The fkey is the most important String inside this application. It is used to authenticate most calls (along with Cookie information). On any chat it is a unique ID that is passed to ensure that the user is the one making these calls. This key is persistent for each session. If you create a new tab while logged into the same account, your fkey will be the same. However, if you log in on a different machine, your fkey will be different there.

The fkey is a hidden HTML input at the end of the body with an id of fkey.

How can you help?

I'm currently working on adding comments to this project, along with improving design and fixing bugs. If you'd like you help you can do a few things.


~ Tristan Wiley