roost-im / roost-client

The official client for Roost.
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Occasionally fails to load messages at bottom #60

Open dovej opened 10 years ago

dovej commented 10 years ago

Occasionally, while parked at the bottom of the messages list, Roost will not load new messages. It does not display a loading icon. This can be recovered from by pressing ">" to go to the bottom, at which point it loads all the missing messages instantly and puts you at the bottom.

jrafidi commented 10 years ago

Any leads on how to repro? Did you scroll up a while, change filters, something of that sort?

jrafidi commented 10 years ago

Yea I'm having difficulty trying to repro this. I'll keep trying. The next time it happens, please copy down what your last set of actions were before it happened.

dovej commented 10 years ago

Not really :/

So, here's something sorta similar that just happened? I was catching up on zephyr. Scrolling down both with arrows and two-finger scroll. Clicked on link. Read, closed, kept going. Had many hours to catch up on. Get to bottom. Last zephyr is very recent. Reply to it. My reply doesn't show up. Try scrolling down. Doesn't show up. No loading sign. Hit ">" and I get the quick fade and it appears.

dovej commented 10 years ago

Okay, tried something and it happened. Trying again.

Scrolled to bottom. Switched focus to another pane. Then left it alone for a while (went about browsing in another window and desktop). I came back and there was only one or two new messages, 35 minutes ago. Tried scrolling down, no luck. Switched focus to that pane, tried arrowing down, no luck. Hit ">" and got transported to the real bottom.

dovej commented 10 years ago

Hmm...this time around I was focused on my main pane when I left it. I came back, switch focused to my PMs and replied a few times to a PM. Then, I switched back to my main pane, scrolled down, and got stuck at a point "7 hours ago". I selected the last message, narrowed to it, and then unnarrowed, and the newer ones filled in.

dovej commented 9 years ago

Alright, Kata just worked some serious magic and got us a repro path. Granted, I think there are other ways the bug usually gets triggered in practice, but this does repro it, and has some traits that are roughly similar to some circumstances I've seen it show up in:

1) Scroll up 200+ messages 2) Select a message with the arrow keys 3) Refresh 4) Scroll down to the bottom by hand

Kata has also added some debugging code for this, so hopefully this will be behind us very soon.

jrafidi commented 9 years ago

Yea we just had a brief chat about it. It was an oversight on my part in the live message processing code. Many thanks to Kata for offering to fix it!

lightquake commented 9 years ago

It's still happening. I think this might be server-side, but I'm not sure so I'm reopening it regardless.

dovej commented 9 years ago

Note, I don't believe the old repro path is valid anymore. That is, we were really facing two bugs with the same symptoms, and Kata fixed one of them. So, we are still lacking a repro path for this bug.

dovej commented 9 years ago

I feel like this has been happening more frequently lately.