roost-im / roost-client

The official client for Roost.
MIT License
1 stars 6 forks source link

Roost where owls go to sleep

Roost is an experimental new web-based zephyr client with proper authentication. This is the official web-based frontend. The backend lives in the companion roost.git repository. If you only wish to hack on the frontend, only this repository is needed. By default, it will point against the official backend deployment.

This client is intended to support recent versions of modern browsers. Most notably, it does not intend to support IE8 and earlier.

Getting started: npm install -g bower grunt-cli npm install bower install

Running dev server: grunt server

Building: grunt

output will go into dist directory

Running server on built files: grunt server:dist

Running unit tests: grunt test

Change default config by passing command-line arguments to grunt:

Point to a different roost backend.

grunt --server=http://localhost:8080 server