roost-im / roost-client

The official client for Roost.
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Hide reply, quote, and PM buttons until hover/select #97

Open dovej opened 9 years ago

dovej commented 9 years ago

With the new, larger action buttons (reply, quote, and PM), we should hide these by default and have them appear when you hover over a message or select a message. On mobile, this should be accomplished by tapping the message probably.

lightquake commented 9 years ago

The thing about hiding them until you hover them on the desktop is this: suppose you've selected message A, and you're hovering over message B. Hitting r will reply to A, even though B is the one with the visible reply icon.

dovej commented 9 years ago

Meh. I think the pros outweigh the cons here. Unless there's a better solution I can't think of. Right now I think the big buttons on every message are an eyesore.

jrafidi commented 9 years ago

I agree they are an eyesore. Since this looks like it was intended to make mobile button clicking easier, why don't we just make them smaller on Desktop?

dovej commented 9 years ago

That's an option. I suppose they looked fine being on every message when they were smaller?

davidben commented 9 years ago

If you're going to be adjusting UI based on input capabilities, these are the media queries to look into:

dovej commented 9 years ago

The question remains whether we really want them on every message on mobile though, for space reasons. (And subsequently whether or not we want to be consistent on desktop.)

lightquake commented 9 years ago

I don't think pointer:coarse is supported that widely yet. We need to use Modernizr and detect the touch/no-touch 'features'.

(Detecting the screen size is explicitly not what we want here because tablets.)