ropensci / comtradr

Functions for Interacting with the UN Comtrade API
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Interface with and extract data from the United Nations Comtrade API . Comtrade provides country level shipping data for a variety of commodities, these functions allow for easy API query and data returned as a tidy data frame. More info can be found [here]( Full API documentation can be found [here]( Please [report]( issues, comments, or feature requests. We are very much looking for feedback on the usability of the new functions. Please note that this package is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms. For information on citation of this package, use `citation("comtradr")` ## Installation 🛠️ You can install the package with: ``` r install.packages("comtradr") ``` To install the dev version from github, use: ``` r # install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("ropensci/comtradr@dev") ``` ## Usage ### Authentication 🔐 **Do not be discouraged by the complicated access to the token - you can do it! 💪** As stated above, you need an API token, see the FAQ of Comtrade for details on how to obtain it: ➡️ You need to follow the detailed explanations, which include screenshots, in the Wiki of Comtrade to the letter. ☝️ I am not writing them out here, because they might be updated regularly. However, once you are signed up, select the `comtrade - v1` product, which is the free API. #### Storing the API key If you are in an interactive session, you can call the following function to save your API token to the environment file for the current session. ``` r library(comtradr) set_primary_comtrade_key() ``` If you are not in an interactive session, you can register the token once in your session using the following base-r function. ``` r Sys.setenv('COMTRADE_PRIMARY' = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') ``` If you would like to set the comtrade key permanently, we recommend editing the project `.Renviron` file, where you need to add a line with `COMTRADE_PRIMARY = xxxx-your-key-xxxx`. ℹ️ Do not forget the line break after the last entry. This is the easiest by taking advantage of the great `usethis` package. ``` r usethis::edit_r_environ(scope = 'project') ``` ### Example 1 ⛴️ Now we can get to actually request some data. Let us query the total trade between China and Germany and Argentina, as reported by China. ``` r # Country names passed to the API query function must be spelled in ISO3 format. # For details see: # You can request a maximum interval of twelve years from the API example1 <- comtradr::ct_get_data( reporter = 'CHN', partner = c('ARG', 'DEU'), start_date = 2010, end_date = 2012 ) # Inspect the return data str(example1) ``` ### Example 2 ⛴️ Return all exports related to Wine from Argentina to all other countries, for years 2007 through 2011. ``` r library(comtradr) # Fetch all shrimp related commodity codes from the Comtrade commodities DB. # This vector of codes will get passed to the API query. wine_codes <- ct_commodity_lookup("wine", return_code = TRUE, return_char = TRUE) # API query. example2 <- ct_get_data( reporter = "ARG", flow_direction = "export", partner = "all_countries", start_date = 2007, end_date = 2011, commodity_code = wine_codes ) # Inspect the output str(example2) ``` ### Bulk Download Example 📦 To download bulk files, use the function `ct_get_bulk`. Usage is documented in the package vignettes, see [here]( for an example. Attention, this downloads large files (often more than one Gigabyte in size) and requires a premium key. ``` r hs0_all <- comtradr::ct_get_bulk( reporter = c("DEU"), # only some examples here, commodity_classification = 'H0', frequency = 'A', verbose = T, start_date = 2020, # only one year here end_date = 2020) ``` ## Data availability See [here for an overview]( of available commodity classifications. ## Comtradr has relaunched recently 🚧 The Comtrade API has been undergoing extensive updates. At this point the legacy API has been taken offline (see [here]( In order to accommodate the new syntax, as well as adding the new functionality, the `comtradr` package has been undergoing an extensive re-write. Additionally, it is not possible anymore to query the API without an API token. There still is a free version, but unlike before you need to be a registered user to obtain the token. See the [FAQ]( for details on how to obtain the new access tokens. [![ropensci_footer](](