roroettg / ngx-blockly

An angular wrapper around google's blockly library
Apache License 2.0
43 stars 23 forks source link
angular blockly


An angular wrapper for google's blockly



Install from npm repository:

npm install ngx-blockly --save


Example app.module.ts

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { NgxBlocklyModule } from 'ngx-blockly';

import 'blockly/blocks'; // needed if you want to use the blockly default blocks

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {

'Example app.component.ts'

import {NgxBlocklyConfig } from 'ngx-blockly';

export class AppComponent {

    public config: NgxBlocklyConfig = {
        toolbox: '<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">' +
                    '<block type="controls_if"></block>' +
                    '<block type="controls_repeat_ext"></block>' +
                    '<block type="logic_compare"></block>' +
                    '<block type="math_number"></block>' +
                    '<block type="math_arithmetic"></block>' +
                    '<block type="text"></block>' +
                    '<block type="text_print"></block>' +
        scrollbars: true,
        trashcan: true

Example app.component.html

<ngx-blockly [config]="config"></ngx-blockly>


ngx-blockly {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;


Default Blockly Configuration (see

export class NgxBlocklyConfig {
    // Allows blocks to be collapsed or expanded. Defaults to true if the toolbox has categories, false otherwise.
    collapse?: boolean;
    // Allows blocks to have comments. Defaults to true if the toolbox has categories, false otherwise.
    comments?: boolean;
    // If false, don't inject CSS (providing CSS becomes the document's responsibility). Defaults to true.
    css?: boolean;
    // If false, don't inject CSS (providing CSS becomes the document's responsibility). Defaults to true.
    disable?: boolean;
    // Grid options.
    grid?: {
        spacing: number,
        length: number,
        colour: string,
        snap: boolean
    // If true toolbox is horizontal, if false toolbox is vertical. Defaults to false.
    horizontalLayout?: boolean;
    //  Maximum number of blocks that may be created. Useful for student exercises. Defaults to Infinity.
    maxBlocks?: number;
    // Map from block types to maximum number of blocks of that type that may be created. Undeclared types default to Infinity.
    maxInstances?: object;
    // Path from page (or frame) to the Blockly media directory. Defaults to ""
    media?: string;
    // If true list and string operations should index from 1, if false index from 0. Defaults to true.
    oneBasedIndex?: boolean;
    // If true, prevent the user from editing. Supresses the toolbox and trashcan. Defaults to false.
    readOnly?: boolean;
    // If true, mirror the editor (for Arabic or Hebrew locales). Defaults to false.
    rtl?: boolean;
    // Sets whether the workspace is scrollable or not. Defaults to true if the toolbox has categories, false otherwise
    scrollbars?: boolean;
    // If false, don't play sounds (e.g. click and delete). Defaults to true.
    sounds?: boolean;
    // Defaults to classic theme if no theme is provided. (
    theme?: any;
    // Tree structure of categories and blocks available to the user
    toolbox?: string;
    // If "start" toolbox is on top (if horizontal) or left (if vertical and LTR) or right (if vertical and RTL).
    // If "end" toolbox is on opposite side. Defaults to "start".
    toolboxPosition?: string;
    // Displays or hides the trashcan. Defaults to true if the toolbox has categories, false otherwise.
    trashcan?: boolean;
    // Maximum number of deleted items that will appear in the trashcan flyout. '0' disables the feature. Defaults to '32'.
    maxTrashcanContents?: number;
    // Zoom Options.
    zoom?: {
        controls: boolean,
        wheel: boolean,
        startScale: number,
        maxScale: number,
        minScale: number,
        scaleSpeed: number
    // Defaults to geras renderer if no renderer is provided.
    renderer?: string;
    // Map of plugin type to name of registered plugin or plugin class.
    plugins?: any;


Code Generation

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxBlocklyConfig, NgxBlocklyGeneratorConfig } from 'ngx-blockly';

    selector: 'app-root',
    templateUrl: './app.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent {

    public config: NgxBlocklyConfig = {
        toolbox: '<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">' +
            '<block type="controls_if"></block>' +
            '<block type="controls_repeat_ext"></block>' +
            '<block type="logic_compare"></block>' +
            '<block type="math_number"></block>' +
            '<block type="math_arithmetic"></block>' +
            '<block type="text"></block>' +
            '<block type="text_print"></block>' +
        scrollbars: true,
        trashcan: true,
        generators: [
        defaultBlocks: true,

    onCode(code: string) {
<ngx-blockly [config]="config" (javascriptCode)="onCode($event)" (pythonCode)="onCode($event)"></ngx-blockly>

Import/Export Blockly Project

    @ViewChild(NgxBlocklyComponent) workspace;

    // Returns formatted xml of workspace

    // Add xml to workspace (clears previous elements)

    // Append xml to workspace

Blockly Toolbox


    public config: NgxBlocklyConfig = {
        toolbox: '<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">' +
            '<block type="controls_if"></block>' +
            '<block type="controls_repeat_ext"></block>' +
            '<block type="logic_compare"></block>' +
            '<block type="math_number"></block>' +
            '<block type="math_arithmetic"></block>' +
            '<block type="text"></block>' +
            '<block type="text_print"></block>' +
        scrollbars: true,
        trashcan: true

Toolbox with search

    public config: NgxBlocklyConfig = {
        toolbox: '<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">' +
            '<block type="controls_if"></block>' +
            '<block type="controls_repeat_ext"></block>' +
            '<block type="logic_compare"></block>' +
            '<block type="math_number"></block>' +
            '<block type="math_arithmetic"></block>' +
            '<block type="text"></block>' +
            '<block type="text_print"></block>' +
        scrollbars: true,
        trashcan: true,
        plugins: {
            toolbox: NgxBlocklyToolbox

    // modify searchbar strings
    Blockly.Msg.SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER = 'my placeholder'
    Blockly.Msg.SEARCH_CATEGORY = 'my category name'

Toolbox Generator

import { Category } from './category';

public customBlocks: CustomBlock[] = [
    new TestBlock(),
    new DeviceBlock()

public buttons: Button[] = [
    new Button('NewButton', 'CallbackKey')

public labels: Label[] = [
    new Label('NewLabel', 'web-class')

public customCategory = new Category(
    [...this.buttons, ...this.customBlocks, ...this.labels]

constructor(ngxToolboxBuilder : NgxToolboxBuilderService) {
    ngxToolboxBuilder.nodes = [
        new Separator(), //Add Separator
    this.config.toolbox =;
    # do not forget to add your customblocks
   <ngx-blockly [config]="config" [customBlocks]="customBlocks" (javascriptCode)="onCode($event)"></ngx-blockly>

Custom Block

declare var Blockly: any;

export class TestBlock extends CustomBlock {

    constructor() {
        // Add Mutator or further args if needed
        this.class = TestBlock;

    defineBlock() {
            .appendField(new Blockly.FieldImage('assets/testblock.png', 50, 50, '*'))
            .appendField(new Blockly.FieldImage(this.args[0], 50, 50, '*'));
        this.block.setOutput(true, 'Input');

    toXML() {
        return '<block type="test"></block>';

    toDartCode(block: CustomBlock): string | any[] {
        return 'Not implemented';

    toJavaScriptCode(block: CustomBlock): string | any[] {
        return 'Not implemented';

    toLuaCode(block: CustomBlock): string | any[] {
        return 'Not implemented';

    toPHPCode(block: CustomBlock): string | any[] {
        return 'Not implemented';

    toPythonCode(block: CustomBlock): string | any[] {
        return 'Not implemented';

    onChange(changeEvent: any) {


Customized theme can be specified in the theme option for NgxBlocklyConfig, and the format of the block style and category style is stated in the Themes.

Sample theme class (Using Google Blockly Classic theme):

export const blockStyles: BlockStyles = {
  logic_blocks: {
    colourPrimary: '210',

export const categoryStyles: CategoryStyles = {
  logic_category: {
    colour: '210',

export const componentStyle: ComponentStyle = {
   workspaceBackgroundColour: '#ff0000',
   toolboxBackgroundColour: '#00ff00',
   scrollbarColour: '#eeff33',
   insertionMarkerColour: '#FF0000',
   flyoutBackgroundColour: '#aaa000',
   flyoutOpacity: 1
   # See docs fore more options

export const exampleTheme: Theme = new Theme (

When you have specified the theme used in Blockly workspace, you need to declare the corresponding block style/category style in block/category definition. Noted that once you have defined the theme option in NgxBlocklyConfig, then you need to manage color scheme of all blocks and categories.

Block Styling

  "type": "controls_if",
  "style": "logic_blocks", // Specify the block style to apply

Category Styling

<!-- Specify the category style to apply -->
<category name="Logic" categorystyle="logic_category">

Corresponding NgxBlocklyConfig

config: NgxBlocklyConfig = {
    theme: exampleTheme.createBlocklyTheme(),


At the moment it is possible to subscribe to workspace and toolbox change listeners.
