ros-controls / gazebo_ros2_control

Wrappers, tools and additional API's for using ros2_control with Gazebo Classic
Apache License 2.0
186 stars 118 forks source link

No rule to make target needed by '' #278

Closed xardarii closed 2 months ago

xardarii commented 5 months ago

Hello everyone! I am facing an issue when trying to colcon build my workspace with gazebo_ros2_control package inside it. It used to build perfectly and I even used it and was working fine until a few days ago when I had some Ubuntu automatic software updates running and now it wont build gazebo_ros2_control. I dont know what the problem is but here is a screenshot from the terminal:


Ubuntu Version : 22.04.3 LTS ROS Humble Gazebo Version 11.10.2

christophfroehlich commented 5 months ago

We don't have a direct dependency on ignition-math. gazebo_hardware_plugins has gazebo_dev as dependency, but this one hasn't been updated for a couple of months.

Try a clean build and run rosdep before. :man_shrugging:

Do you need a source build of this package, or could you just install the released binary instead?

christophfroehlich commented 2 months ago

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