ros-naoqi / extrinsic_calibration

Extrinsic calibration for the color and depth cameras of Pepper robot
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Extrinsic calibration

This a short tutorial for extrinsic calibration of Pepper's Depth and RGB cameras.


First of all, print a calibration pattern (a chessboard) if you do not have any. We would recommend A3 size. Once you have it, count the number of rows and columns and measure a size of a square. Adjust these parameters in launch/calibration_cameras_pepper.launch:

Data recording

Calibration based on recorded data

How to apply the extrinsic parameters

Once the calibration parameters are found, you can apply them using ROS static_transform_publisher. Check an example in register_depth.launch, update the values (x y z yaw pitch roll) and launch it after naoqi_driver:

roslaunch naoqi_driver naoqi_driver.launch nao_ip:=<PEPPER_IP>
roslaunch extrinsic_calibration register_depth.launch