ros / diagnostics

Packages related to gathering, viewing, and analyzing diagnostics data from robots.
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diagnostics monitoring ros

Test diagnostics Lint diagnostics ROS2 Humble ROS2 Iron ROS2 Jazzy ROS2 Rolling


The diagnostics system collects information about hardware drivers and robot hardware to make them available to users and operators. The diagnostics system contains tools to collect and analyze this data.

The diagnostics system is build around the /diagnostics topic. The topic is used for diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray messages. It contains information about the device names, status, and values.

It contains the following packages:

Collecting diagnostic data

At the points of interest, i.e. the hardware drivers, the diagnostic data is collected. The data must be published on the /diagnostics topic. In the diagnostic_updater package, there are base classes to simplify the creation of diagnostic messages.


The diagnostic_aggregator package provides tools to aggregate diagnostic messages from different sources into a single message. It has a plugin system to define the aggregation rules.


Outside of this repository, there is rqt_robot_monitor to visualize diagnostic messages that have been aggregated by the diagnostic_aggregator.

Diagnostics messages that are not aggregated can be visualized by rqt_runtime_monitor.

Target Distribution


New features are to be developed in custom branches and then merged into the ros2 branch.

From there, the changes are backported to the other branches.

Backport Tooling

This tool has proven to be useful: backport

Use this command to port a given PR of PR_NUMBER to the other branches:

backport --pr PR_NUMBER -b ros2-humble ros2-iron ros2-jazzy

Versioning and Releases


The source code is released under a BSD 3-Clause license.