ros4hri / hri_fullbody

A ROS4HRI-conformant node to track and extract 2D and 3D skeletons of humans from RGB/RGB-D cameras
Apache License 2.0
12 stars 4 forks source link


skeleton detection


:warning: some of the links are yet to be updated and may be pointing to the original ROS page. As soon as all the involved components will be officially documented for ROS 2 as well, we will update this document.

hri_fullbody is a ROS4HRI-compatible 3D body pose estimation node.

It is built on top of Google Mediapipe 3D body pose estimation.

The node provides the 3D pose estimation for the detected humans in the scene, implementing a robust solution to self-occlusions.

This node can be used in two different modes: single body and multi-body. In the former case, the node performs the whole body detection pipeline, publishing information under the ROS4HRI naming convention regarding the body id (on the /humans/bodies/tracked topic), the body bounding box, and the jointstate of the body's skeleton. In the latter, the node only publishes jointstate information, expecting body detection to be performed by another node and subscribing to /humans/bodies/tracked to read the ids of the currently tracked bodies.

These two modes are required since Mediapipe body estimation is not able to estimate more than one body pose per frame. Therefore, in case we want more than one body pose estimated, the adopted strategy is to rely on some other package implementing a human body detection (and tracking in the best case) algorithm. Such package should provide the hri_fullbody detect node the IDs of the detected bodies and the relative images, cropped from the original image following the detected bounding boxes.

To estimate the body position, the node does not need a RGB-D camera, only RGB is required. However, using RGB-D camera provides a more accurate depth estimation.

Important: to estimate the body depth without using a depth sensor, a calibrated RGB camera is required. You can follow this tutorial to properly calibrate your camera.


ros2 launch hri_fullbody <parameters>



Node parameters:

hri_fullbody.launch parameters:


hri_fullbody follows the ROS4HRI conventions (REP-155). In particular, refer to the REP to know the list and position of the 2D/3D skeleton points published by the node.

Subscribed topics

Single body mode only:
Multi-body mode only:

Published topics

Single body mode only:


It is possible to visualize the results of the body pose estimation in rviz using the hri_rviz Skeleton plugin. A visualization example is reported in the image above.