Table of Contents
User Story
AS A web development student
I WANT a tutorial explaining a specific regex
SO THAT I can understand the search pattern the regex defines
Acceptance Criteria
- GIVEN a regex tutorial
- WHEN I open the tutorial
- THEN I see a descriptive title and introductory paragraph explaining the purpose of the tutorial,
a summary describing the regex featured in the tutorial, a table of contents linking to
different sections that break down each component of the regex, and a section about the author
with a link to the author’s GitHub profile
- WHEN I click on the links in the table of contents
- THEN I am taken to the corresponding sections of the tutorial
- WHEN I read through each section of the tutorial
- THEN I find a detailed explanation of what a specific component of the regex does
- WHEN I reach the end of the tutorial
- THEN I find a section about the author and a link to the author’s GitHub profile
Struggles and Sources
Link to Deployed Application
Link to Deployed Application
If you have any questions, please contact me at the email below. Check out my Github portfolio for more of my projects!
Here is a link to my GitHub Repo.
If you have any questions please email me at: