roshkins / IddSampleDriver

Add virtual monitors to your windows 10 device! Works with Oculus software, obs, and any desktop sharing software
611 stars 237 forks source link

License MIT and CC0 or Public Domain (for changes I made, check with Microsoft for their license), whichever is least restrictive -- Use it

AS IS - NO IMPLICIT OR EXPLICIT warranty This may break your computer, it didn't break mine. It runs in User Mode which means it's less likely to cause system instability like the Blue Screen of Death. Check out the latest release to download, or find other versions below:

Newer Versions

Fork that is easy to install

Fork with HDR

If you want me to build on this donate eth or similar here: 0xB01b6328F8Be53c852a54432bbEe630cE0Bd559a I now have a NEAR address: moopaloo.near

Thanks to for the hi-res EDID.

Indirect Display Driver Sample

This is a sample driver that shows how to create a Windows Indirect Display Driver using the IddCx class extension driver.

Background reading

Start at the Indirect Display Driver Model Overview on MSDN.

Customizing the sample

The sample driver code is very simplistic and does nothing more than enumerate a single monitor when its device enters the D0/started power state. Throughout the code, there are TODO blocks with important information on implementing functionality in a production driver.

Code structure

First steps

Consider the capabilities of your device. If the device supports multiple monitors being hotplugged and removed at runtime, you may want to abstract the monitors further from the IndirectDeviceContext class.

The INF file included in the sample needs updating for production use. One field, DeviceGroupId, controls how the UMDF driver gets pooled with other UMDF drivers in the same process. Since indirect display drivers tend to be more complicated than other driver classes, it's highly recommended that you pick a unique string for this field which will cause instances of your device driver to pool in a dedicated process. This will improve system reliability in case your driver encounters a problem since other drivers will not be affected.

Ensure the device information reported to IddCxAdapterInitAsync is accurate. This information determines how the device is reported to the OS and what static features (like support for gamma tables) the device will have available. If some information cannot be known immediately in the EvtDeviceD0Entry callback, IddCx allows the driver to call IddCxAdapterInitAsync at any point after D0 entry, before D0 exit.

Careful attention should be paid to the frame processing loop. This will directly impact the performance of the user's system, so making use of the Multimedia Class Scheduler Service and DXGI's support for GPU prioritization should be considered. Any significant work should be performed outside the main processing loop, such as by queuing work in a thread pool. See SwapChainProcessor::RunCore for more information.