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Cutplace is a tool and API to validate that tabular data stored in CSV, Excel, ODS and PRN files conform to a cutplace interface definition (CID).
As an example, consider the following customers.csv
file that stores data
about customers::
A CID can describe such a file in an easy to read way. It consists of three sections. First, there is the general data format:
== ============== =========== .. Property Value == ============== =========== D Format Delimited D Encoding UTF-8 D Header 1 D Line delimiter LF D Item delimiter , == ============== ===========
Next there are the fields stored in the data file:
== ============= ========== ===== ====== ======== ============================== .. Name Example Empty Length Type Rule == ============= ========== ===== ====== ======== ============================== F customer_id 3798 Integer 0...99999 F surname Miller ...60 F first_name John X ...60 F date_of_birth 1978-11-27 DateTime YYYY-MM-DD F gender male X Choice female, male == ============= ========== ===== ====== ======== ==============================
Optionally you can describe conditions that must be met across the whole file:
== ======================= ======== =========== .. Description Type Rule == ======================= ======== =========== C customer must be unique IsUnique customer_id == ======================= ======== ===========
The CID can be stored in common spreadsheet formats, in particular
Excel and ODS, for example cid_customers.ods
Cutplace can validate that the data file conforms to the CID::
$ cutplace cid_customers.ods customers.csv
Now add a new line with a broken date_of_birth
Cutplace rejects this file with the error message:
customers.csv (R12C4): cannot accept field 'date_of_birth': date must
match format YYYY-MM-DD (%Y-%m-%d) but is: '04.08.1953'
Additionally, cutplace provides an easy to use API to read and write tabular data files using a common interface without having to deal with the intrinsic of data format specific modules. To read and validate the above example::
import cutplace
import cutplace.errors
cid_path = 'cid_customers.ods'
data_path = 'customers.csv'
for row in cutplace.rows(cid_path, data_path):
pass # We could also do something useful with the data in ``row`` here.
except cutplace.errors.DataError as error:
For more information, read the documentation at http://cutplace.readthedocs.org/ or visit the project at https://github.com/roskakori/cutplace.