rossant / playdoh

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Playdoh: pure Python library for distributed computing and optimization

Playdoh is a pure Python library for distributing computations across the free computing units (CPUs and GPUs) available in a small network of multicore computers. Playdoh supports independent (embarassingly) parallel problems as well as loosely coupled tasks such as global optimizations, Monte Carlo simulations and numerical integration of partial differential equations. It is designed to be lightweight and easy-to-use and should be of interest to scientists wanting to turn their lab computers into a small cluster at no cost.



The documentation can be found here.


Rossant C, Fontaine B, Goodman DFM (2011). Playdoh: a lightweight Python package for distributed computing and optimisation. Journal of Computational Science


Parallel computing is now an essential paradigm for high performance scientific computing. Most existing hardware and software solutions are expensive or difficult to use. We developed Playdoh, a Python library for distributing computations across the free computing units available in a small network of multicore computers. Playdoh supports independent and loosely coupled parallel problems such as global optimisations, Monte Carlo simulations and numerical integration of partial differential equations. It is designed to be lightweight and easy to use and should be of interest to scientists wanting to turn their lab computers into a small cluster at no cost.


Playdoh is an open-source project and anyone is welcome to contribute to the project. Here are some info about the source code.