rosshamish / LeagueGraphs

Statistics tracking for League of Legends
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A free online statistics tracker for ranked and normal queues in League of Legends

Readme last updated Jan 5, 2013

Here's how it works:

  1. Your 10 most recent games are always available from Riot in high detail.
  2. There is a glorious auto-update php machine that is always running. Once your name has been entered once on LeagueGraphs, it is added to the machine's list of names.
  3. Each player is updated every 8 hours, minimum. If you can play more than 10 games in 8 hours, I applaud you, and I also recommend you visit the site during your marathon to let the database manually grab your game statistics.
  4. A manual update happens whenever you look yourself up, so graphs and data are also guaranteed up-to-date.
  5. Wha-BAM!

If you notice something wrong, some weird formatting or data or wrong values, horrible errors, crashes, seriously anything, please [email me!]( Report)

Implemented Features:

Planned Features:

Known deficiencies:

All data is generously provided by Riot Games through the wonderful Elophant API by Joshua Jones.
Using twitter bootstrap and d3.js.