rosswintle / sync-pinboard

WordPress plugin for syncing Pinboard pins into a WordPress post type
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=== Sync Pinboard === Contributors: magicroundabout Tags: pinboard, sync, bookmarks Requires at least: 5.1 Tested up to: 6.1 Stable tag: 1.0.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI:

Copies bookmarks from into a custom post type.

== Description ==

This plugin copies bookmarks from into a custom post type and the Pinboard tags into a custom taxonomy.

Note: This is not an official Pinboard plugin. If you have any problems please direct them to the WordPress support forums for this plugin.

This plugin:

Note that this plugin does a one-way sync from Pinboard to your WordPress install. You can add your own bookmarks in WordPress but they will not be added to Pinboard.

= Instructions =

Once you have installed the plugin you will need to go to Settings -> Pinboard Sync and enter your API key (you can get this from your Pinboard password settings screen)

If you want to do automatic sync then you can then also turn on the Auto-sync option.

If you have a lot of pins in Pinboard then it is not recommended that you turn on auto-sync right away as this will probably time out or do bad things.

If you are able then the recommended method for doing a large initial import is to use the bundled wp-cli command: wp-cli sync-pinboard

= WP-CLI command =

If you can use WP-CLI then you can make use of the wp-cli sync-pinboard command to do an import from Pinboard. This works particularly well for large first-time imports before you enable the automatic sync. But you could also use the system cron to run this command instead of WP cron.

= Wish list / Roadmap =

Things I have in mind for future development:

== Installation ==

Once you have installed and activated the plugin, follow the instructions in the description.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Options screen
  2. List of sync'ed pins

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.1 =

= 1.0 =

= 0.2.1 =

= 0.2.0 =

= 0.1.0 =

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0 = Note that this update removes pins from WordPress search by default

= 0.1.0 = You should install this, it's great!