rotary-genomics / spokewrench

Toolkit for manipulating circular DNA sequence elements
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Circularization-related utilities for the rotary pipeline


spokewrench, currently under development, is a suite of utilities for manipulating circular DNA elements. Once completed, these utilities will be able to serve as a modern replacement for circlator, which is now in a frozen development state. The utilities in spokewrench are built into the rotary project, where they are used with "best practices" to ensure proper assembly of circular sequences. These utilities can also be used in a standalone fashion or integrated into custom genome assembly workflows to ensure circular DNA/RNA elements are assembled accurately, similarly to how circlator is currently used.



git clone

conda env create -n spokewrench --file=spokewrench/environment.yml
# Note: On Macs with Apple Silicon, you might need to add the flag '--platform osx-64' to force x64 install.
#       The installed packages will then be converted to ARM architecture using Rosetta on first use.

conda activate spokewrench

cd spokewrench

pip install --editable .

# See available commands
spokewrench -h



Run on the outputs of Flye to repair the short gap or overlap region that can occur at the ends of circular contigs produced by this assembly tool.

Help menu (spokewrench repair -h):

usage: spokewrench repair [-h] [-lf PATH] [-O] [-v] -l PATH -a PATH -i PATH -o PATH [-f MODE] [-F FRACTION] [-I PERCENT] [-L LENGTH] [-e LENGTH] [-E LENGTH] [-k] [-c]
                          [-T LIST] [-t JOBS] [-m GB]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Basic config settings:
  -lf PATH, --logfile PATH
                        Log filepath (default: None)
  -O, --overwrite       Overwrite existing files/directories. By setting this flag, you risk erasing old data.
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose logging

  -l PATH, --long_read_filepath PATH
                        QC-passing Nanopore reads
  -a PATH, --assembly_fasta_filepath PATH
                        Contigs to be end-repaired
  -i PATH, --assembly_info_filepath PATH
                        assembly_info.txt file from Flye showing which assembled contigs are circular vs. linear (or a custom guide file; see -c below)
  -o PATH, --output_dir PATH
                        Output directory path

Input read options:
  -f MODE, --flye_read_mode MODE
                        Type of long read reads provided by -l, to be used for reassembly by Flye. See details on these settings in the Flye documentation. (default: nano-hq)
  -F FRACTION, --flye_read_error FRACTION
                        Expected error rate of input reads, expressed as proportion (e.g., 0.03). If "0", then have flye set the read error automatically (default: 0)

Merge options:
  -I PERCENT, --circlator_min_id PERCENT
                        Percent identity threshold for circlator merge (default: 99)
  -L LENGTH, --circlator_min_length LENGTH
                        Minimum required overlap (bp) between original and merge contigs (default: 10000)
  -e LENGTH, --circlator_ref_end LENGTH
                        Minimum distance (bp) between end of original contig and nucmer hit (default: 100)
  -E LENGTH, --circlator_reassemble_end LENGTH
                        Minimum distance (bp) between end of merge contig and nucmer hit (default: 100)

Workflow options:
  -k, --keep_going_with_failed_contigs
                        Set this flag to continue running this script even if some contigs cannot be circularized and end-repaired. For any non-repaired contigs, an exact copy
                        of the original contig will be output.
  -c, --custom_assembly_info_file
                        Set this flag if you provide a custom tab-separated file to specify the circular vs. linear status of each contig in the assembly, rather than using
                        the assembly_info.txt file output by Flye (default), as your argument to -i. The custom file must have the following format: no headers; tab-separated;
                        first column is the contig names; second column is the status of the contigs, either "circular" or "linear". Any contig names not in this file will be
                        dropped by the script!
  -T LIST, --length_thresholds LIST
                        Comma-separated list of length thresholds for reassembly around the contig ends (bp) (default: 100000,75000,50000,25000,5000,2500,1000)
  -t JOBS, --threads JOBS
                        Number of processors threads to use (default: 1)
  -m GB, --threads_mem GB
                        Memory (GB) to use **per thread** for samtools sort (default: 1)


Support module for rotating DNA sequences in FastA files.

Help menu (spokewrench rotate -h):

usage: spokewrench rotate [-h] [-lf PATH] [-O] [-v] -i PATH -o PATH [-m] [-p INT] [-P FLOAT] [-t PATH] [-T PATH] [-n LIST] [-r PATH] [-s]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Basic config settings:
  -lf PATH, --logfile PATH
                        Log filepath (default: None)
  -O, --overwrite       Overwrite existing files/directories. By setting this flag, you risk erasing old data.
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose logging

  -i PATH, --input_fasta PATH
                        Input fasta file
  -o PATH, --output_fasta PATH
                        Output fasta file. Note that all input sequences will always be written to output, even if only a subset of sequences are selected for rotate

Rotate options:
  -m, --midpoint        Rotate all sequences to their midpoint. (Incompatible with -p, -P, -t, and -T.)
  -p INT, --rotate_position INT
                        Number of base positions to rotate all sequences by, in the counter-clockwise direction. To specify a unique rotate position for each sequence, see
                        -t). Incompatible with -m, -P, -t, and -T.
  -P FLOAT, --rotate_fraction FLOAT
                        Fractional position to rotate all sequences to, counter-clockwise. For example, 0.3 means to rotate all contigs counter-clockwise to 30 percent of
                        their total length). To specify a unique fractional position for each sequence, see -T). Incompatible with -m, -p, -t, and -T.
  -t PATH, --rotate_position_table PATH
                        Path to a tab-separated file that contains the desired amount to rotate each sequence by, in base pair position numbers, in the counter-clockwise
                        direction. Columns (with headers) should be "sequence_id" and "rotate_bp". Only sequences specified in the table will be rotated, although all
                        sequences in the input file will be written to the output file. Incompatible with -m, -p, -P, and -T.
  -T PATH, --rotate_fraction_table PATH
                        Path to a tab-separated file that contains the desired amount to rotate each sequence by, as a fraction of total sequence length, in the counter-
                        clockwise direction. Columns (with headers) should be "sequence_id" and "rotate_fraction". Only sequences specified in the table will be rotated,
                        although all sequences in the input file will be written to the output file. Incompatible with -m, -p, -P, and -t.
  -n LIST, --sequence_names LIST
                        Sequences to be rotated (comma-separated list of IDs). Rotate operations will only be applied to these sequences, although all sequences in the input
                        file will be written to output. If used with -t or -T, the sequences listed in the table will be further subset to those that are also in the provided
                        list of sequence names.
  -r PATH, --output_report PATH
                        Path to write an optional tab-separated report file that shows how sequences were rotated.

Workflow options:
  -s, --strip_descriptions
                        Strip descriptions off FastA headers (i.e., any text after the first whitespace in each header)