roubachof / Sharpnado.CollectionView

A performant list view supporting: grid, horizontal and vertical layout, drag and drop, and reveal animations.
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Formerly named HorizontalListView

Get it from NuGet: | MAUI Supported platforms | XF Supported platforms | |----------------------------|----------------------------| | [![Nuget](]( | [![Nuget](]( | | :heavy_check_mark: Android | :heavy_check_mark: Android | | :heavy_check_mark: iOS | :heavy_check_mark: iOS | ![Presentation](Docs/maui_banner.png) ## Initialization ### MAUI * In `MauiProgram.cs`: ```csharp public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp() { var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder(); builder .UseMauiApp() .UseSharpnadoCollectionView(loggerEnable: false); } ``` ### Xamarin.Forms * On Core project in `App.xaml.cs`: For the namespace schema to work, you need to call initializer from App.xaml.cs like this: ```csharp public App() { InitializeComponent(); Sharpnado.CollectionView.Initializer.Initialize(true, false); ... } ``` * On `iOS` add this line before `Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init()` and `LoadApplication(new App())`. ```csharp public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options) { Initializer.Initialize(); global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(); LoadApplication(new App()); } ``` * On `Android` add this line before `Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init()` and `LoadApplication(new App())`. ```csharp public override OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Initializer.Initialize(); global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(); LoadApplication(new App()); } ``` ## Version 2.0 breaking changes: CollectionView `HorizontalListView` has finally been renamed `CollectionView` \o/. All references to `HorizontalList` has been renamed to `Collection`, including: * namespaces * filename * class names * HorizontalListViewLayout => CollectionViewLayout * ListLayout => CollectionLayout ## Presentation * Horizontal, Grid, Carousel or Vertical layout * Drag and Drop feature * Grouping with headers and footers * Reveal custom animations * Column count * Infinite loading with ```Paginator``` component * Snapping on first or middle element * Padding and item spacing * Handles ```NotifyCollectionChangedAction``` Add, Remove and Reset actions * View recycling * ```RecyclerView``` on Android * ```UICollectionView``` on iOS ## Horizontal list layout ```csharp public CollectionViewLayout CollectionLayout { get; set; } = CollectionViewLayout.Horizontal; ``` By default the layout is in ```Linear``` mode, which means you will have only one row. You can specify the ```ItemWidth``` and ```ItemHeight```. You can also specify ```ItemSpacing``` and ```CollectionPadding```. ```xml ... ``` You can also simply use the the `HorizontalListView` class which is a shorthand to set the layout to `Horizontal`. ```xml ``` As you can see ```TapCommand``` and ```TouchFeedbackColor``` (aka Ripple) are brought to you by the awesome effects created by mrxten ( It's the best ripple effect plugin so far on Xamarin.Forms since it always worked for me. With other maybe more known plugins, I had some issues on iOS.

A CollectionView with SnapStyle=Center and ItemWidth/ItemHeight set.

### ColumnCount property You can also decide to just specify the number of column you want, the ```ColumnCount``` property, and the ```ItemWidth``` will be computed for you. ```xml ```

A CollectionView with ColumnCount=2.

### Carousel Layout You can set ```ListLayout``` to ```Carousel```. In this mode you can't specify ```ItemWidth``` (obviously). If you don't specify the ```ItemHeight```, it will be automatically computed for you. ```xml ... ```

A CollectionView with ListLayout=Carousel.

## Grid Layout If you set the ```ListLayout``` property to ```Grid```, you will have access to the same properties. ```xml ``` You can use the ```IsDragAndDropping``` property of the ```DraggableViewCell``` to change the background color with a simple ```DataTrigger```.

A Grid ListLayout with drag and drop enabled.

The ```ColumnCount``` property works also with the grid layout. ## Vertical Layout You can also use Sharpnado's `CollectionView` like a regular list view. ```xml ```

A CollectionView with ListLayout=Vertical.

Of course drag and drop is also available with this layout. ## Infinite Loading You can achieve infinite loading really easily by using the ```Paginator``` component, and bind it to the ```InfiniteListLoader``` property. All is explained here: ## Drag and drop If you want to have both drag and drop enabled and still be able to tap the item, you need to use the ```TapCommand``` on the `CollectionView` instead of the ```xamEffects:Commands.Tap``` on the `DataTemplate` content. It's less nice since you won't have the nice color ripple, but it will work :) The only thing you have to do to enable drag and drop is set `EnableDragAndDrop` to `true`. The `DragAndDropStartCommand` and `DragAndDropEndedCommand` commands will pass as argument a `DragAndDropInfo` object: ```csharp public class DragAndDropInfo { public int To { get; } public int From { get; } public object Content { get; } } ``` Contributor: Implemented by @jmmortega. ## DragAndDropTrigger and DragAndDropDirection Since 1.8.2, you can now choose if you want to begin the drag and drop with a ``Pan`` gesture or a `LongPress`. * `DragAndDropTrigger="Pan"` * `DragAndDropTrigger="LongTap"` You can also restrict the drag movement to a given direction: * For the horizontal layout: `DragAndDropDirection = HorizontalOnly` * For the vertical layout: `DragAndDropDirection = VerticalOnly` It will give a better more precise drag experience, more precise. ### Since 1.8.1 `EnableDragAndDrop` is now a bindable property, so you can enable it at runtime. You can now also specify a custom animation when the `EnableDragAndDrop` is set to ture: ```csharp CollectionView.DragAndDropEnabledAnimationAsync = async (viewCell, token) => { while (!token.IsCancellationRequested) { await viewCell.View.RotateTo(8); await viewCell.View.RotateTo(-8); } await viewCell.View.RotateTo(0); }; ``` will result in:

You can decide to start the drag without long press on iOS thanks to the iOS specific property `iOSDragAndDropOnPanGesture`: ```xml ``` **Remark:** You don't have to inherit from `DraggableViewCell`, any `ViewCell` can be dragged. ### DraggableViewCell The `DraggableViewCell` is useful for using triggers on the `IsDragAndDropping` property (changing its background color or elevation during drag and drop for example). You can also disable the drag and drop for certain cells thanks to the `IsDraggable` property. ## Headers, groups and footers (only for linear layouts) Since 2.0, you can assign a size to a `DataTemplate` using the `SizedDataTemplate` markup extension. This opens the door to the implementation of header/footer/group headers. All you have to do is to use a `DataTemplateSelector` with `SizedDataTemplate` and set the size of the given `DataTemplate`. Let's consider the following screen:

In our example, we want, a header, a footer, but also a group header (items are grouped by silliness degree, their "star" rating). So we will be using inheritance on the view model side to achieve that: ```csharp namespace DragAndDropSample.ViewModels { public interface IDudeItem { } public class DudeHeader : IDudeItem { } public class DudeFooter : IDudeItem { } public class DudeGroupHeader : IDudeItem { public int StarCount { get; set; } public string Text => $"{StarCount} Stars"; } public class SillyDudeVmo : IDudeItem { public SillyDudeVmo(SillyDude dude, ICommand tapCommand) { if (dude != null) { Id = dude.Id; Name = dude.Name; FullName = dude.FullName; Role = dude.Role; Description = dude.Description; ImageUrl = dude.ImageUrl; SillinessDegree = dude.SillinessDegree; SourceUrl = dude.SourceUrl; } TapCommand = tapCommand; } public bool IsMovable { get; protected set; } = true; public ICommand TapCommand { get; set; } public int Id { get; } public string Name { get; } public string FullName { get; } public string Role { get; } public string Description { get; } public string ImageUrl { get; } public double SillinessDegree { get; } public string SourceUrl { get; } public override string ToString() { return $"{FullName} silly degree: {SillinessDegree}"; } } } ``` Then after sorting our collection by rating, we will bind our `CollectionView` to the SillyPeople list. ```csharp public class HeaderFooterGroupingPageViewModel : ANavigableViewModel { public List SillyPeople { get => _sillyPeople; set => SetAndRaise(ref _sillyPeople, value); } private async Task> LoadSillyPeoplePageAsync(int pageNumber, int pageSize, bool isRefresh) { PageResult resultPage = await _sillyDudeService.GetSillyPeoplePage(pageNumber, pageSize); var dudes = resultPage.Items; if (isRefresh) { SillyPeople = new List(); _listSource = new List(); } var result = new List { new DudeHeader() }; _listSource.AddRange(dudes); foreach (var group in _listSource.OrderByDescending(d => d.SillinessDegree) .GroupBy((dude) => dude.SillinessDegree)) { result.Add(new DudeGroupHeader { StarCount = group.Key}); result.AddRange(group.Select(dude => new SillyDudeVmo(dude, TapCommand))); } result.Add(new DudeFooter()); SillyPeople = result; } } ``` Thanks god for Linq! You can see how easy it is to order and create our header view models. Now let's switch to the XAML world! We create a template for each of our header types: ```xml ``` The last step is to make the correspondance between our header view models, and our headers data templates. For that, we declare our `DataTemplateSelector`: ```csharp public class HeaderFooterGroupingTemplateSelector: DataTemplateSelector { public SizedDataTemplate HeaderTemplate { get; set; } public SizedDataTemplate FooterTemplate { get; set; } public SizedDataTemplate GroupHeaderTemplate { get; set; } public DataTemplate DudeTemplate { get; set; } protected override DataTemplate OnSelectTemplate(object item, BindableObject container) { switch (item) { case DudeHeader header: return HeaderTemplate; case DudeFooter footer: return FooterTemplate; case DudeGroupHeader groupHeader: return GroupHeaderTemplate; default: return DudeTemplate; } } } ``` You can see that all the headers (all the data template with an associated size in fact) need to be a `SizedDataTemplate`. Then we just assign a fixed size to each template when we declare our `DataTemplateSelector` : ```xml ``` We don't have to assign a size to our item template (here the silly dude), it will pick the `ItemWidth` (for an horizontal layout) or `ItemHeight` (for a vertical one) size. You can find this example in the sample project (click on "Header and Grouping Example" button). ## Reveal animations Contributor: original idea from @jmmortega. You can set custom animations on cells that will be triggered when a cell appears for the first time. *Properties for reveal animations* ```csharp public Func PreRevealAnimationAsync { get; set; } public Func RevealAnimationAsync { get; set; } public Func PostRevealAnimationAsync { get; set; } ``` In the following example I flip the cell on the vertical axis and fade them for grid and linear layout. And flip the cell on the horizontal axis for vertical layout. *GridPage.xaml.cs* ```csharp public partial class GridPage : ContentPage { public GridPage() { InitializeComponent(); CollectionView.PreRevealAnimationAsync = async (viewCell) => { viewCell.View.Opacity = 0; if (CollectionView.CollectionLayout == CollectionViewLayout.Vertical) { viewCell.View.RotationX = 90; } else { viewCell.View.RotationY = -90; } }; CollectionView.RevealAnimationAsync = async (viewCell) => { await viewCell.View.FadeTo(1); if (CollectionView.CollectionLayout == CollectionViewLayout.Vertical) { await viewCell.View.RotateXTo(0); } else { await viewCell.View.RotateYTo(0); } }; } } ```

## Others properties ### Properties available with both layout mode ```csharp public static readonly BindableProperty ListLayoutProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(ListLayout), typeof(CollectionViewLayout), typeof(CollectionView), CollectionViewLayout.Linear, propertyChanged: OnListLayoutChanged, propertyChanging: OnListLayoutChanging); public static readonly BindableProperty ItemsSourceProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(ItemsSource), typeof(IEnumerable), typeof(CollectionView), default(IEnumerable), BindingMode.TwoWay, propertyChanged: OnItemsSourceChanged); public static readonly BindableProperty InfiniteListLoaderProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(InfiniteListLoader), typeof(IInfiniteListLoader), typeof(CollectionView)); public static readonly BindableProperty ItemTemplateProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(ItemTemplate), typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(CollectionView), default(DataTemplate)); public static readonly BindableProperty ItemHeightProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(ItemHeight), typeof(double), typeof(CollectionView), defaultValue: 0D, defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.OneWayToSource); public static readonly BindableProperty ItemWidthProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(ItemWidth), typeof(double), typeof(CollectionView), defaultValue: 0D, defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.OneWayToSource); public static readonly BindableProperty CollectionPaddingProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(CollectionPadding), typeof(Thickness), typeof(CollectionView), defaultValue: new Thickness(0, 0), defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.OneWayToSource); public static readonly BindableProperty ItemSpacingProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(ItemSpacing), typeof(int), typeof(CollectionView), defaultValue: 0, defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.OneWayToSource); public static readonly BindableProperty TapCommandProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(TapCommand), typeof(ICommand), typeof(CollectionView)); public static readonly BindableProperty ScrollBeganCommandProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(ScrollBeganCommand), typeof(ICommand), typeof(CollectionView)); public static readonly BindableProperty ScrollEndedCommandProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(ScrollEndedCommand), typeof(ICommand), typeof(CollectionView)); public static readonly BindableProperty CurrentIndexProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(CurrentIndex), typeof(int), typeof(CollectionView), defaultValue: -1, defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay, propertyChanged: OnCurrentIndexChanged); public static readonly BindableProperty VisibleCellCountProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(VisibleCellCount), typeof(int), typeof(CollectionView), defaultValue: 0, defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay, propertyChanged: OnVisibleCellCountChanged); public static readonly BindableProperty DisableScrollProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(DisableScroll), typeof(bool), typeof(CollectionView), defaultValue: false, defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay); /// /// Force the layout of the collection view to be updated. /// Useful if you changed a property that should impact the layout but the layout is not updated. /// public Command UpdateLayout { get; internal set; } = new Command(() => { }); public event EventHandler ListLayoutChanging; public Func PreRevealAnimationAsync { get; set; } public Func RevealAnimationAsync { get; set; } public Func PostRevealAnimationAsync { get; set; } /// In certain scenarios, the first scroll of the list can be smoothen /// by pre-building some views. public int ViewCacheSize { get; set; } = 0; public bool EnableDragAndDrop { get; set; } = false; public SnapStyle SnapStyle { get; set; } = SnapStyle.None; public int ColumnCount { get; set; } = 0; public ScrollSpeed ScrollSpeed { get; set; } = ScrollSpeed.Normal; ``` ### Properties available with Grid and Vertical ListLayout ```csharp public bool EnableDragAndDrop { get; set; } = false; public static readonly BindableProperty DragAndDropStartedCommandProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(DragAndDropStartedCommand), typeof(ICommand), typeof(CollectionView)); public static readonly BindableProperty DragAndDropEndedCommandProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(DragAndDropEndedCommand), typeof(ICommand), typeof(CollectionView)); public static readonly BindableProperty IsDragAndDroppingProperty = BindableProperty.Create( nameof(IsDragAndDropping), typeof(bool), typeof(CollectionView), defaultValue: false); ``` ## Some implementation details ### Android The Android renderer is implemented with a ```RecyclerView```. Padding and item spacing is computed by an extension of ```ItemDecoration```. While column computing and item distribution is achieved by a custom ```GridLayoutManager```. The Snap to first item is implemented with a custom ```LinearSnapHelper```. Drag and drop is handled by an ```ItemTouchHelper.Callback```. ### iOS The iOS renderer is implemented by a ```UICollectionView```. Padding and item spacing are natively provided by the ```UICollectionViewFlowLayout```. Snap to Center item is brought by a little trick on ```DecelerationEnded``` callback. Drag and drop is handled by a ```UILongPressGestureRecognizer``` followed by calls to the ```xxxInteractiveMovementxxx``` methods.