rounakdey / FastSparseGRM

Efficiently calculate ancestry-adjusted sparse GRM
MIT License
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FastSparseGRM is an R package that efficiently calculates genetic principal components (PCs) and the ancestry-adjusted sparse genetic relatedness matrix (GRM). It accounts for population heterogeneity using genetic PCs which are automatically calculated as part of the pipeline. The genetic PCs can be used as fixed effect covariates to account for the population stratification and the sparse GRM can be used to model the random effects to account for the sample-relatedness in a mixed effects phenotype-genotype association testing model.

FastSparseGRM utilizes multithreading for efficient computation and can benefit greatly from using a large number of CPU cores.


Q. Why am I getting this following error when running the PCA step?

Error in svd(H, nv = 0) : infinite or missing values in 'x'
Calls: runPCA -> drpca -> svd
Execution halted

A. This error occurs if there is any variant in the BED file that is monomorphic (MAC=0) among the unrelated set of subjects. Please make sure to use a MAF-based or MAC-based (> 5 to be safe) filtering in the BED file to avoid this error.

How to install FastSparseGRM

Install FastSparseGRM from source code:

git clone

FastSparseGRM also requires the softwares KING and plink for some of the steps in its pipeline. Executables of KING (v2.2) and plink (v1.9) for 64-bit Linux are supplied for convenience in the extdata folder. Use of local installations of KING (version >=v2.1.6) and plink (version >= v1.9) are also okay.

To use the functions in FastSparseGRM, please copy all the files from the extdata folder to the working directory. These files provide the KING and plink executables, as well as wrapper functions to run the analysis.

Input format

FastSparseGRM takes genotype data in plink BED format as input. To assist the analysis of modern whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data typically saved in the genomic data structure (GDS) format, we also provides scripts to convert from SeqArray GDS and SNP-GDS formats to the plink BED format.

Convert from SeqArray GDS format (newer, more common format) to BED.

R CMD BATCH --vanilla '--args --gds.file <gds.file> --min.AVGDP <min.AVGDP: default 10> --filterCat <filterCat: default PASS> --min.MAF <min.MAF: default 0.05> --max.miss <max.miss: default 0.05> --removeSNPGDS <removeSNPGDS: default TRUE> --prefix.bed <prefix.out>' Seq2BED_wrapper.R Seq2BED_wrapper.Rout

To convert from SeqArray GDS format, the GDS file must have the following nodes: annotation/filter (PASS, FAIL or any other filtering category), annotation/info/AVGDP (Average sequencing depth), and annotation/info/AC (Allele counts).

Convert from SNP-GDS format (older format) to BED.

R CMD BATCH --vanilla '--args --SNPgds.file <SNPgds.file> --min.MAF <min.MAF: default 0.05> --max.miss <max.miss: default 0.05> --removeSNPGDS <removeSNPGDS: default FALSE> --prefix.bed <prefix.out>' SNP2BED_wrapper.R SNP2BED_wrapper.Rout

Details about the arguments

Preparing genotype data for the analysis pipeline

FastSparseGRM pipeline requires data from all 22 autosomes in a single BED file. So, if your BED files are chromosome-specific, now would be the time to merge them into one single BED file. Here is an example script of how to do this on bash using plink,

rm mergeBED.list; for i in {1..22}; do echo chr${i} >> mergeBED.list; done;
plink --merge-list mergeBED.list --make-bed --out chrall

Here, the chromosome-specific BED files are chr1.bed, chr2.bed, ... and the merged BED output is chrall.bed.

Next, some of the steps in the FastSparseGRM pipeline requires pruned genotypes. It is okay to use unpruned genotypes there, but that will result in substantially high computation cost. We suggest to keep around 200,000 variants in the pruned genotype file to be used in the pipeline, tweak the --indep-pairwise parameter accordingly. Here is an example script of how to perform pruning on bash using plink,

plink --bfile chrall --indep-pairwise 50 5 0.1 --out chrall.prunedlist;
plink --bfile chrall --extract --make-bed --out chrall_pruned

Here, the unpruned genotype file is chrall.bed, and pruned genotype file is chrall_pruned.bed.

How to run the FastSparseGRM pipeline

There are two ways of running the analysis pipeline.

Option 1. Run the pipeline step-by-step.

This gives the user more control over memory and CPU usage in each step. This option is suggested for analyzing very large dataset.

Step 1. Run KING (version >=2.1.6)

king -b <unfiltered.bedfile> --ibdseg --degree <degree: default 4> --cpus <n_cpus> --prefix <output.king>

Step 2. Get ancestry divergence estimates

R CMD BATCH --vanilla '--args <prefix.bedfile> --file.seg <output.king> --num_threads <n_cpus> --degree <degree: default 4> --divThresh <divThresh: default -0.02209709> --nRandomSNPs <nRandomSNPs: default 0> --prefix.out <output.divergence>' getDivergence_wrapper.R getDivergence.Rout

Step 3. Extract unrelated samples

R CMD BATCH --vanilla '--args <prefix.bedfile> --file.seg <output.king> --degree <degree: default 4> --file.div <output.divergence> --file.include <file.include: default ""> --prefix.out <output.unrelated>' extractUnrelated_wrapper.R extractUnrelated.Rout

Step 4. Run PCA

R  CMD BATCH --vanilla '--args <prefix.bedfile> --file.unrels <output.unrelated> --prefix.out <output.pca> --no_pcs <no_pcs: default 20> --num_threads <n_cpus> --no_iter <no_iter: default 10>' runPCA_wrapper.R runPCA.Rout

If there is a variant present in the BED file that is monomorphic in the unrelated samples, then the PCA step will throw an error. We suggest using some MAC or MAF-based filtering on the BED file before running this PCA step. Keeping only common variants (MAF > 0.01, or 0.05 for smaller sample-size) in the BED file is recommended.

Step 5. Calculate Sparse GRM

R CMD BATCH --vanilla '--args <prefix.bedfile> --prefix.out <output.sparseGRM> --file.train <output.unrelated> --file.score <output.pca> --file.seg <output.king> --num_threads <n_cpus> --no_pcs <no_pcs: default 20> --block.size <block.size: default 5000> --max.related.block <max.related.block: default 5000> --KINGformat.out <KINGformat.out: default FALSE> --degree <degree: default 4>' calcSparseGRM_wrapper.R calcSparseGRM.Rout

Option 2. Run the entire pipeline with one wrapper function.

The user has to specify the same memory and CPU threads for all the steps, and this option does not have the option to fine-tune every step of the computation. This option is intended for smaller sample-size, and is not suggested for very large dataset.

R CMD BATCH --vanilla '--args <prefix.bedfile> <prefix.unfiltered.bedfile> --prefix.out <output.sparseGRM> --KING.executable <king.executable.path: default king> --degree <degree: default 4> --num_threads <n_cpus> --divThresh <divThresh: default -0.02209709> --nRandomSNPs <nRandomSNPs: default 0> --file.include <file.include: default ""> --no_pcs <no_pcs: default 20> --no_iter <no_iter: default 10> --block.size <block.size: default 5000> --max.related.block <max.related.block: default 5000> --tempDir <tempDir: default /tmp> --deleteTemp <deleteTemp: default TRUE> --KINGformat.out <KINGformat.out: default FALSE>' runPipeline_wrapper.R runPipeline.Rout

Details about the arguments