roundhousedesigns / rise-frontend

Get To Work frontend
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Tech Stack

The front end portion of RISE is built using:

Development Setup

Node Setup

  1. Node v19.4.0 or above is required. We recommend using nvm to manage node versioning control. For help installing and using nvm, see NVM Install Guide
  2. Install v19.4.0 of node with the command:

     nvm install 19.4.0

    Confim that v19.4.0 or above is running (an arrow will point to current version) with the command:

     nvm ls

    If an incorrect version is selected, change to v19.4.0 with the command:

     nvm use 19.4.0

Dev Setup

  1. Clone the dev branch with the command:

    git clone -b dev
  2. At the root of the project directory, run:

     yarn install

Environment Variables Setup

  1. Create a .env file in the root project directory:
  2. Add the following information:

    VITE_FRONTEND_URL = http://localhost:3000
    VITE_BACKEND_URL = (backend server URL)
    VITE_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY = (your recaptcha site key)

    Note: ask a team member for VITE_BACKEND_URL and VITE_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY specifics

Development Workflow

Branch Naming Convention: Name a branch by name/ticket-name. For example: michael/add-readme-steps

  1. From the dev branch, create a new feature branch:

     git checkout -b <your-branch-name>
  2. To start local development, run:

     yarn dev

    and go to: http://localhost:3000

How to make a pull request

  1. From your feature branch, run git pull origin dev and resolve any merge conflicts

  2. After commiting and pushing your branch, click on a Pull requests tab on GitHub and create a draft pull request. Make sure to select "base:" as dev and "compare:" as <your-branch-name>

    • In the comment section, document exactly what you did and why you did it. Include screen capture and testing steps if applicable
    • Double check the diff
    • Make further changes locally, if any mistakes are found and commit again

Production Builds

Copyright (c) 2024 Maestra Music and Roundhouse Designs. All rights reserved.