royhzq / djagger

OpenAPI 3 schema generator for Django and Django Rest Framework based on pydantic
MIT License
19 stars 5 forks source link
django django-rest-framework openapi pydantic python

=============================================================== 🗡️Djagger - OpenAPI schema generator for Django using pydantic

.. |Package Badge| image:: .. |Pypi Badge| image::

|Package Badge| |Pypi Badge|

Automated OpenAPI documentation generator for Django. Djagger provides you with a clean and straightforward way to generate a comprehensive API documentation of your Django project by utilizing pydantic to create schema objects for your views.

Example Django project using Djagger:
Generated API documentation from the example project:
Djagger repo:
Full Documentation:

Djagger is designed to be:

🧾 Comprehensive - Every aspect of your API should be document-able straight from your views, to the full extent of the OpenAPi 3.0 specification.

👐 Unintrusive - Integrate easily with your existing Django project. Djagger can document vanilla Django views (function-based and class-based views), as well as any Django REST framework views. As long as you are using Django's default URL routing, you are good to go. You do not need to redesign your APIs for better documentation.

🍭 Easy - Djagger uses pure, unadulterated pydantic models to generate schemas. If you have used pydantic, there is no learning curve. If you have not heard of pydantic, it is a powerful data validation library that is pretty straightforward to pickup (like dataclasses). Check it out here <>_. Either way, documenting your APIs will feel less like a chore.


Install using pip

.. code:: bash

pip install djagger

Add djagger to your INSTALLED_APPS setting in your Django project like this:

.. code:: python


Include the djagger URLconf in your project like this if you want to use the built-in document views.

.. code:: python

urlpatterns = [
    path('djagger/', include('djagger.urls')),

.. NOTE::


Example GET Endpoint

.. code:: python

from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response
from pydantic import BaseModel as Schema
import datetime

class ArticleDetailSchema(Schema):
    created : datetime.datetime
    title : str
    author : str
    content : str

class RandomArticleAPI(APIView):
    """Return a random article from the Blog"""

    response_schema = ArticleDetailSchema

    def get(self, request):
        return Response({})

Generated documentation

.. image:: :width: 800 :alt: UserDetailsAPI Redoc :target:

Example POST Endpoint

.. code:: python

from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.response import Response
from pydantic import BaseModel as Schema, Field
import datetime

class ArticleDetailSchema(Schema):
    created : datetime.datetime
    title : str
    author : str
    content : str

class ArticleCreateSchema(Schema):
    """POST schema for blog article creation"""
    title : str = Field(description="Title of Blog article")
    content : str = Field(description="Blog article content")

class ArticleCreateAPI(APIView):

    request_schema = ArticleCreateSchema
    response_schema = ArticleDetailSchema

    def post(self, request):
        return Response({})

Generated documentation

.. image:: :width: 800 :alt: CreateItemAPI Redoc :target:

For more involved examples, check out the example project <> and the API documentation <> generated from that project.

Documentation & Support