rpeltekov / ge3t_shim_tool

Conformal Shimming for GE3T using ExSI and OpenSourceImaging Shim Drivers
MIT License
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Custom Conformal Shimming Calibration and Computation Tool for GE3T MRI Scanner

Setting up and using the Shim Tool

  1. Navigate to the directory and install the required packages

    $ cd <path/to/shimTool>
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Install / setup the pre-commit hooks

    $ pre-commit install

    Now when you commit, the pre-commit hooks will run and lint your code before you push. If you want to run the hooks manually, refer to https://pre-commit.com/#install or use pre-commit run --all-files

  3. There is provided a configsTemplate.json. Copy this file with the name configs.json, and adjust the contents to be dependent on personal preferences and scanner setup. The passwords / host ids are generally common for the GE Nspire

  4. Launch the tool. Use --no-gui to launch the tool in a python CLI or use --quiet to silence most of the logging and output.

    $ python -i src/main.py [--no-gui] [--quiet]

Using just the ExSI Client

look at src/examples to see some examples of how to start and some basic usage of the exsi client on its own in both a jupyter notebook or a python script. If you want deeper details, look into the exsi_client.py code to see more about which commands and exsi operations are supported (essentially all the useful ones...)