rpm-software-management / urlgrabber

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
14 stars 23 forks source link

urlgrabber -- A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber


If you want to install urlgrabber on your system, simply open the package and run:

python setup.py install

Take a look at the install options by doing

python setup.py install --help

With no arguments, distutils will add all modules to a 'urlgrabber' package under your python site-packages directory.

You can build rpms by running

python setup.py bdist_rpm

The rpms (both source and "binary") will be specific to the current distribution/version and may not be portable to others. This is because they will be built for the currently installed python.

keepalive.py and byterange.py are generic urllib2 extension modules and can be used to add keepalive and range support to any urllib2 application.

As of version 2.9.x, urlgrabber is no longer tested with python versions less than 2.2. It will probably work with 2.0, but will almost certainly NOT work under prior python versions.