rpuntaie / pdfformulas

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usage: pdfformulas.py [-h] [--dxmin DXMIN] [--frompage FROMPAGE] [--topage TOPAGE] [--page PAGE] [--formulaid FORMULAID] [--stats] pdffile

Dump the formulas of a PDF as PNG files in the formulas subfolder. The subfolder formulas is created, if not there yet. The PDF content must be accessible as text.

positional arguments: pdffile PDF file to parse and dump formulas of

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --dxmin DXMIN Additional left margin, which defines what is normal text. If the text before a formula is the beginning of a paragraph it might start a little indented. In this case it helps to move dxmin to the right. Units are those used in the PDF. Try 10. --frompage FROMPAGE PDF page number to start with. --topage TOPAGE PDF page number to stop at. --page PAGE PDF page number --formulaid FORMULAID The regular expression by which a formula is found. Formulas are recognized by their ID on the right. The regular expression used is:: r'^\s(\d.\d)\s ' e.g.:: (2.13) To find the rectangle comprising the formula the text before and after is located, which begins on the left of the page (dxmin). The formula is assumed to be indented with regard to normal text. --stats Only print (formula,page)-refs statistics. This tells which formulas are most often referenced in normal text and are thus likely the most important ones.

Requires: Pillow, PyMuPDF (needs compatible MuPDF installed), PdfMiner Installation: LibMuPDF and PyMuPDF will need to be installed beforehand.