rqlite / gorqlite

A Go client for rqlite, the distributed database built on SQLite
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go golang sql

gorqlite - a golang client for rqlite

Circle CI

gorqlite is a golang client for rqlite that provides easy-to-use abstractions for working with the rqlite API.

It provides an idiomatic API specialized for rqlite and a database/sql driver (read below for more information on it). The main API provides similar semantics to database/sql, such as Open(), Query() and QueryOne(), Next()/Scan()/Map(), Write() and WriteOne(), etc.

rqlite is the distributed consistent sqlite database. Learn more about rqlite here.


This client library is used in production by various groups, including Replicated. Check out their blog post on their use of rqlite.



go get github.com/rqlite/gorqlite


// these URLs are just generic database URLs, not rqlite API URLs,
// so you don't need to worry about the various rqlite paths ("/db/query"), etc.
// just supply the base url and not "db" or anything after it.

// yes, you need the http or https

// no, you cannot specify a database name in the URL (this is sqlite, after all).

conn, err := gorqlite.Open("http://") // connects to localhost on 4001 without auth
conn, err := gorqlite.Open("https://") // same but with https
conn, err := gorqlite.Open("https://localhost:4001/") // same only explicitly

// with auth:
conn, err := gorqlite.Open("https://mary:secret2@localhost:4001/")
// different server, setting the rqlite consistency level
conn, err := gorqlite.Open("https://mary:secret2@server1.example.com:4001/?level=none")
// same without auth, setting the rqlite consistency level
conn, err := gorliqte.Open("https://server2.example.com:4001/?level=weak")
// different port, setting the rqlite consistency level and timeout
conn, err := gorqlite.Open("https://localhost:2265/?level=strong&timeout=30")
// different port, disabling cluster discovery in the client
conn, err := gorqlite.Open("https://localhost:2265/?disableClusterDiscovery=true")

// change our minds

// simulate database/sql Prepare()
statements := make ([]string,0)
pattern := "INSERT INTO secret_agents(id, hero_name, abbrev) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%3s')"
statements = append(statements,fmt.Sprintf(pattern,125718,"Speed Gibson","Speed"))
statements = append(statements,fmt.Sprintf(pattern,209166,"Clint Barlow","Clint"))
statements = append(statements,fmt.Sprintf(pattern,44107,"Barney Dunlap","Barney"))
results, err := conn.Write(statements)

// now we have an array of []WriteResult 

for n, v := range WriteResult {
    fmt.Printf("for result %d, %d rows were affected\n",n,v.RowsAffected)
    if ( v.Err != nil ) {
        fmt.Printf("   we have this error: %s\n",v.Err.Error())

// or if we have an auto_increment column
res, err := conn.WriteOne("INSERT INTO foo (name) values ('bar')")
fmt.Printf("last insert id was %d\n",res.LastInsertID)

// just like database/sql, you're required to Next() before any Scan() or Map()

// note that rqlite is only going to send JSON types - see the encoding/json docs
// which means all numbers are float64s.  gorqlite will convert to int64s for you
// because it is convenient but other formats you will have to handle yourself

var id int64
var name string
rows, err := conn.QueryOne("select id, name from secret_agents where id > 500")
fmt.Printf("query returned %d rows\n",rows.NumRows)
for rows.Next() {
    err := rows.Scan(&id, &name)
    fmt.Printf("this is row number %d\n",rows.RowNumber)
    fmt.Printf("there are %d rows overall%d\n",rows.NumRows)

// just like WriteOne()/Write(), QueryOne() takes a single statement,
// while Query() takes a []string.  You'd only use Query() if you wanted
// to transactionally group a bunch of queries, and then you'd get back
// a []QueryResult

// alternatively, use Next()/Map()

for rows.Next() {
    m, err := rows.Map()
    // m is now a map[column name as string]interface{}
    id := m["name"].(float64) // the only json number type
    name := m["name"].(string)

// get rqlite cluster information
leader, err := conn.Leader()
// err could be set if the cluster wasn't answering, etc.
fmt.Println("current leader is"leader)
peers, err := conn.Peers()
for n, p := range peers {
    fmt.Printf("cluster peer %d: %s\n",n,p)

// turn on debug tracing to the io.Writer of your choice.
// gorqlite will verbosely write very granular debug information.
// this is similar to perl's DBI->Trace() facility.
// note that this is done at the package level, not the connection
// level, so you can debug Open() etc. if need be.

f, err := os.OpenFile("/tmp/deep_insights.log",OS_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND,0644)

// change my mind and watch the trace

// turn off

// using parameterized statements
wr, err := conn.WriteParameterized(
            Query:     "INSERT INTO secret_agents(id, name, secret) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
            Arguments: []interface{}{7, "James Bond", "not-a-secret"},
seq, err := conn.QueueParameterized(
            Query:     "INSERT INTO secret_agents(id, name, secret) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
            Arguments: []interface{}{7, "James Bond", "not-a-secret"},
qr, err := conn.QueryParameterized(
            Query:     "SELECT id, name from secret_agents where id > ?",
            Arguments: []interface{}{3},

// alternatively
wr, err := conn.WriteOneParameterized(
        Query:     "INSERT INTO secret_agents(id, name, secret) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
        Arguments: []interface{}{7, "James Bond", "not-a-secret"},
seq, err := conn.QueueOneParameterized(
        Query:     "INSERT INTO secret_agents(id, name, secret) VALUES(?, ?, ?)",
        Arguments: []interface{}{7, "James Bond", "not-a-secret"},
qr, err := conn.QueryOneParameterized(
        Query:     "SELECT id, name from secret_agents where id > ?",
        Arguments: []interface{}{3},

// using nullable types
var name gorqlite.NullString
rows, err := conn.QueryOne("select name from secret_agents where id = 7")
for rows.Next() {
    err := rows.Scan(&name)
if name.Valid {
    // use name.String
} else {
    // NULL value

Queued Writes

The client does support Queued Writes. Instead of calling the Write() functions, call the queueing versions instead.

var seq int64
var err error

seq, err = conn.QueueOne("CREATE TABLE " + testTableName() + " (id integer, name text)")
seq, err = conn.Queue(...)

Important Notes

If you use access control, any user connecting will need the "status" permission in addition to any other needed permission. This is so gorqlite can query the cluster and try other peers if the master is lost.

rqlite does not support iterative fetching from the DBMS, so your query will put all results into memory immediately. If you are working with large datasets on small systems, your experience may be sub-optimal.

Driver for database/sql

It is recommended that you use the main gorqlite-specific API when possible. However, if you need to use gorqlite with database/sql, you can import github.com/rqlite/gorqlite/stdlib. For example:

package main

import (

    _ "github.com/rqlite/gorqlite/stdlib"

func main() {
    db, err := sql.Open("rqlite", "http://")
    if err != nil {
    _, err := db.Exec("CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER, name TEXT)")
    if err != nil {

The following limitations apply when using the rqlite database/sql driver:


https has not been tested yet. In theory, https should work just fine because it's just a URL to gorqlite, but it has not been.

Several features may be added in the future:

Other Design Notes

In standard database/sql drivers, Open() doesn't actually do anything. You get a "connection" that doesn't connect until you Ping() or send actual work. In gorqlite's case, it needs to connect to get cluster information, so this is done immediately and automatically open calling Open(). By the time Open() is returned, gorqlite has full cluster info.

Unlike database/sql connections, a gorqlite connection in the main gorqlite-specific API is not thread-safe. However, a gorqlite database/sql connection through package stdlib is thread-safe.

Close() will set a flag so if you try to use the connection afterwards, it will fail. But otherwise, you can merrily let your connections be garbage-collected with no harm, because they're just configuration tracking bundles and everything to the rqlite cluster is stateless. Indeed, the true reason that Close() exists is the author's feeling that if you open something, you should be able to close it. So why not GetConnection() then instead of Open()? Or GetClusterConfigurationTrackingObject()? I don't know. Fork me.

Leader() and Peers() will both cause gorqlite to reverify its cluster information before return. Note that if you call Leader() and then Peers() and something changes in between, it's possible to get inconsistent answers.

Since "weak" consistency is the default rqlite level, it is the default level for the client as well. The user can change this at will (either in the connection string or via SetConsistencyLevel(), and then the new level will apply to all future calls).


go test is used for testing. A running cluster is required.

By default, gorqlite uses this config for testing:

database URL : http://localhost:4001
table name   : gorqlite_test

Also, the tests in package stdlib use the same config but a table name of gorqlite_test_stdlib.

These can overridden using the environment variables:




rqlite is supposed to be pronounced "ree qwell lite" (though many people pronounce is "R Q lite" too). So you could pronounce gorqlite as either "go ree kwell lite" or "gork lite". The Klingon in me prefers the latter. Really, isn't rqlite just the kind of battle-hardened, lean and mean system Klingons would use? Qapla'!