rreusser / gulp-latex

A gulp plugin for rendering LaTeX files
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A gulp plugin for rendering LaTeX files


This gulp plugin receives .tex files and renders them to .pdf or .dvi files. There's not much more to it than that. It's no more than a wrapper around the latex module, which itself is little more than a wrapper around latex. All options are just passed directly to the latex module.

Sample usage:

var latex = require('gulp-latex')

gulp.task('latex',function() {
  return gulp.src('*.tex')
    .pipe( latex() )
    .pipe( gulp.dest('./') )


As per the latex module instructions, you'll need texlive installed. To install the node module:

$ npm install gulp-latex


require('gulp-latex')( options )

Creates a gulp-compatible object transform stream that inputs and outputs vinyl file objects. Both streamed and buffered I/O is accepted.


Tests are performed using latex/pdflatex stubs in test/stubs. To use your default latex installation, set:

$ export LATEX=latex
$ export PDFLATEX=pdflatex

or whichever commands with which you prefer to invoke latex/pdflatex.


(c) 2015 Ricky Reusser. MIT License