MoAIMS is an efficient software for detection of enriched regions of MeRIP-Seq. MoAIMS can also provide an intuitive indicator of treatment effect for the treatment MeRIP-Seq data.
A simple run(test data provided in moaims_extdata)
> moaims(sample_info_file = /absolute/path/to/sample_info_file, gtf_file =/absolute/path/to/gtf_file,
strand_specific = 1, is_paired = F, proj_name='test')
Primary output(See example/output/test)
Enriched regions in BED12 format(sig_*.bed). Definition of some specific columns are:
1) 5th: the highest bin count of merged regions
2) 13th: the highest fold change of merged regions
3) 14th: the highest -log10(pvalue) of merged regions
Goodness of Fitting plot(GOF_*.png)
A summary table of models(fitres*.tsv)
Need to adjust the model
#bin_info_*.tsv and bin_count_*.tsv are generated by the main function 'moaims' when setting output_intmd=T(default)
> bin_info_obj=readBinInfo(in_fn = /absolute/path/to/bin_info_*.tsv)
> bin_count_obj=readBinCount(in_fn = /absolute/path/to/bin_count_*.tsv)
> adjFit(bin_info_obj,bin_count_obj,sample_id='test',proj_name='adj')