rsalmei / human-repr

Generate beautiful human representations of bytes, durations, and even throughputs!
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Generate beautiful human-readable representations of bytes, durations and even throughputs!


This crate provides a whole suite of:

Also, this crate doesn't have any dependencies, is well-tested, and is blazing fast, taking less than 50ns to generate a representation! Checked with criterion benchmarks.

They work with any Rust primitive numbers and also Durations!

// counts (bytes, bare, or any custom unit).
use human_repr::HumanCount;
assert_eq!("43.21GB", 43214321123_u64.human_count_bytes());
assert_eq!("74.9M", 74893200.human_count_bare());
assert_eq!("540.5kPackets", 540464_u32.human_count("Packets"));
assert_eq!("48.1°C", 48.132323432.human_count("°C"));
assert_eq!("123k🦀", 123e3.human_count("🦀"));

// durations with primitives.
use human_repr::HumanDuration;
assert_eq!("1.8ns", 0.0000000018.human_duration());
assert_eq!("15.6µs", 0.0000156.human_duration());
assert_eq!("10ms", 0.01.human_duration());
assert_eq!("3.44s", 3.435999.human_duration());
assert_eq!("19:20.4", 1160.36.human_duration());
assert_eq!("1:14:48", 4488u16.human_duration());

// durations with std's Duration.
use std::time::Duration;
assert_eq!("15.6µs", Duration::from_nanos(15_600).human_duration());
assert_eq!("10ms", Duration::from_secs_f64(0.01).human_duration());
assert_eq!("1:14:48", Duration::new(4488, 395_000_000).human_duration());

// throughputs (bytes, bare, or any custom unit).
use human_repr::HumanThroughput;
assert_eq!("1.2MB/s", 1248632.human_throughput_bytes());
assert_eq!("9/d", 0.000104166666667.human_throughput_bare());
assert_eq!("6.1tests/min", 0.101265.human_throughput("tests"));
assert_eq!("54°C/h", 0.015.human_throughput("°C"));
assert_eq!("123M⭐/s", 123e6.human_throughput("⭐"));

📌 NEW in 1.1 series

This version mainly:

New in 1.0 series This crate gets to 1.0! 🎉 Lots of improvements to get here... Since 1.0, the `HumanRepr` trait was removed. Now there are separate traits for each concept.
I've realized that separate traits were more flexible, so I could implement them only where practicable, as well as evolve them independently.
The trait names also got simpler: HumanCount, HumanDuration, and HumanThroughput.
New in 0.11 series Since version 0.11, the [`PartialEq`](`std::cmp::PartialEq`) impls for `&str` do not allocate any Strings too!
I've developed a particularly interesting [`Write`](`std::fmt::Write`) impl, which compares partial sequences with what the [`Display`](`std::fmt::Display`) impl would be generating!
New in 0.10 series Since version 0.10, the [`Debug`](`std::fmt::Debug`) impl will show both the raw value and the final representation! Very, very cool: ```rust # use human_repr::{HumanDuration, HumanThroughput}; assert_eq!("HumanDuration { val: 1.56e-5 } -> 15.6µs", format!("{:?}", 0.0000156.human_duration())); assert_eq!(r#"HumanThroughput { val: 0.015, unit: "°C" } -> 54°C/h"#, format!("{:?}", 0.015.human_throughput("°C"))); ```
New in 0.4 series Since version 0.4, I do not allocate any Strings to generate the output! I've returned structs that implement [`Display`](`std::fmt::Display`), so you can print them with no heap allocations at all! And if you do need the String, a simple `.to_string()` will do.

How to use it

Add this dependency to your Cargo.toml file:

human-repr = "1"

Then just use the traits as you need! E.g.:

use human_repr::{HumanCount, HumanDuration, HumanThroughput};

let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let updated = 3431237; // process something...

println!("Updated {} successfully.", updated.human_count_bytes());
println!("Operation took {}.", now.elapsed().human_duration());
println!("Rate: {}", (updated as f64 / now.elapsed().as_secs_f64()).human_throughput_bytes());

They work on all Rust primitive number types: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize, f32, f64, i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize, as well as Duration types.

Note that std's Duration does provide a Debug impl that does something similar, but it is not very human:

# use human_repr::HumanDuration;
# use std::time::Duration;
let default = format!("{:?}", Duration::new(0, 14184293));
assert_eq!("14.184293ms", default); // 😫👎
assert_eq!("14.2ms", Duration::new(0, 14184293).human_duration()); // 😃👍

And of course, I have the minutes and hours views which it doesn't...

# use human_repr::HumanDuration;
# use std::time::Duration;
let default = format!("{:?}", Duration::new(10000, 1));
assert_eq!("10000.000000001s", default); // 😫👎
assert_eq!("2:46:40", Duration::new(10000, 1).human_duration()); // 😃👍

The unit parameter some methods make available means the entity you're dealing with, like "bytes", "Tasks", "it", "°C", "🍎", whatever you'd like!
Bytes (as "B") and bare units have dedicated methods for your convenience.

Rust features:

According to the SI standard, there are 1000 bytes in a kilobyte.
There is another standard called IEC that has 1024 bytes in a kibibyte, but this is only useful when measuring things that are naturally a power of two, e.g. a stick of RAM. Even file sizes in a filesystem are being changed to use the 1000 divisor in major OSs.

Be careful not to render IEC quantities with SI prefixes, which would be incorrect.
But I still support it, if you'd really want to ;)

By default, human-repr uses SI prefixes, 1000 divisor, and no space between prefixes/units.

This crate supports these optional features:

The human duration magic

I've used just one key concept in designing the human duration behavior: clearness.

3.44s is more meaningful than 3.43584783784s, and 14.1µs is much, much nicer than .0000141233333s.

So, what I do is: I round values to at most two decimal places (larger values have more decimals), and find the best prefix to represent them, minimizing output values smaller than 1. The search for the best prefix considers even the rounding been applied!

0.000999999 does not end up as 999.9µs (truncate) nor 1000µs (bad prefix), it is auto-upgraded to the next one 1ms!

The human duration prefix changes seamlessly from nanoseconds to hours!

The human throughput magic

I've made the human throughput with a similar logic. It is funny how much trickier "throughput" is to the human brain!
If something took 1165263 seconds to handle 123 items, how fast did it go? It's not obvious...

It doesn't help much even if we divide the duration by the number of items: 9473 seconds/item still does not seem that good. How fast was that? We can't say for sure.

Hmm, how many items did we do per time?
Oh, we just need to invert it, so 0.000105555569858 items/second, there it is! 😂

To make some sense of it we now need to multiply that by 3600 (seconds in an hour) to get 0.38 per hour, which is much better, and again by 24 (hours in a day) to finally get 9.12 per day!! Now we know how fast that process was! \o/

As you see, it's not easy at all for our brains to estimate that...

The human throughput prefix changes seamlessly from per second to per day!

The human count magic

This is the simplest of them all, I just continually divide by the current divisor (1000 or 1024) until the value gets smaller than that. No funny business like logs or exponential at all.

Rounding is also handled so there's no truncation or bad prefixes, the number of decimals also increase the larger the prefix gets, and .0 and .00 are also never generated.

Changelog highlights


This software is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.

Maintaining an open source project is hard and time-consuming, and I've put much ❤️ and effort into this.

If you've appreciated my work, you can back me up with a donation! Thank you 😊

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