rsanchez / entry_type

A dropdown fieldtype for ExpressionEngine 3 that shows/hides other fields on the publish page.
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Entry Type

An ExpressionEngine 4 add-on for hiding publish fields on a conditional basis. The Entry Type fieldtype creates a dropdown field which can hide other publish fields depending on the value chosen.

Use the ee2 branch for an EE2 compatible version. Structure/Pages module compatibility has been removed in the EE3 version.

Use the ee3 branch for an EE3 compatible version.


Fieldtype Tags


The short name for the entry type selected.


The label for the entry type selected.

{if {your_field_name:selected option="link"}}

Check whether the specified option is selected. (Use the short name).

{your_field_name all_options="yes"}
    {option} {option_name} {label} {selected}

List all your options.

Fieldtype Settings


Displaying different content based on entry type.

{title}<br />
{your_entry_type_field:label}<br />
{if your_entry_type_field == 'link'}
{if:else your_entry_type_field == 'video'}
{if:elseif your_entry_type_field == 'image'}