rsattar / CLTokenInputView

A replica of iOS's native contact bubbles UI
MIT License
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CLTokenInputView is an almost pixel perfect replica of the input portion iOS's native contacts picker, used in and when composing a new message.

Check out the sample view controller which uses CLTokenInputView to see how to incorporate it into your UI. We use this in our apps at Cluster Labs, Inc..

Check out a Swift port of this library by @rlaferla.


It does not provide the autocomplete drop down and matching; you must provide that yourself, so that CLTokenInputView can remain very generic and flexible. You can copy what the sample app is doing to show an autocompleting table view and maintain a list of the selected "tokens".


To run the example project, clone the repo, and open the Xcode project. You should use this on iOS 7 and up.

To use this in your code, you should add an instance of CLTokenInputView to your view hierarchy. Typically it should be anchored to the top of your UI and to the sides. Using Autolayout CLTokenInputView can grow by itself, but if you need to control it manually, you can use the delegate.

You should implement:

- (void)tokenInputView:(CLTokenInputView *)view didChangeText:(NSString *)text 
    // Update your autocompletion table results with the text

When the user taps on one of your autocomplete items, you should call: -addToken: on token input view. Example:

NSString *name = self.filteredNames[indexPath.row];
CLToken *token = [[CLToken alloc] initWithDisplayText:name context:nil];
[self.tokenInputView addToken:token];

Be sure to listen for:

- (void)tokenInputView:(CLTokenInputView *)view didAddToken:(CLToken *)token;
- (void)tokenInputView:(CLTokenInputView *)view didRemoveToken:(CLToken *)token;

...and update your local data model of selected items.

Lastly, you can implement:

- (CLToken *)tokenInputView:(CLTokenInputView *)view tokenForText:(NSString *)text 
    // Return a CLToken instance that matches the text that has been entered.
    // Return nil if nothing matches

... so that a user can typically select the first result in your autocomplete.


CLTokenInputView is customizable using:

Things I'd Like To Do:


CLTokenInputView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "CLTokenInputView"

Or, you can take all the .h and .m files from CLTokenInputView/CLTokenInputView.


Cluster Labs, Inc.,


CLTokenInputView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.