rsbaher1 / ENSF619.2-RSVP_Module

Course project for ENSF 619.2 F21
MIT License
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This is a course project for ENSF 619.2 F21.

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate OSS techniques and eventually have a functioning node-based Events RSVP Module.


Please follow these instructions to have a working copy of this project on your machine.
NOTE: You will need a Google account to setup this project

  1. Local Machine Setup:
    • Clone the repository
    • Install Node version 16 LTS
      • I recommend using nvm (Node version management). It simplifies node development.
      • NOTE: npm is installed with Node, no further action needed
    • Install Postman or another system that allows you to send HTTP requests and view the responses.
  2. Firebase Setup:
    • Login to the firebase website using your Google account
    • Create a new project by clicking the "Add Project" button and follow the prompts
    • Select the Firestore database from the menu on the left side and follow the prompts to create the database
    • Go to the project settings, click the service accounts tab, then press the "Generate new private key" button to save your permissions file
      • This file is used for authenticating your DB requests
    • cd into the root folder, then the functions folder, and create a .env in the root folder of the project and add your DB URL: DB_URL="<your db URL>"
      enter your permissions file name in the .env file: PERMISSIONS="<full path to your permissions file>" ex. PERMISSIONS="../permissions.json"
    • Now, we are ready to initialize our DB
      • Open a terminal in the root of the project and run
      • npm install -g firebase-tools
      • firebase login
      • firebase init functions
      • You will be asked to associate the project with a Firebase project, select "Use existing Project" and follow the prompts
      • Next, you will be asked which language to use, select "Javascript"
      • Then you will be asked about Eslint, type 'y' for yes.
      • Lastly, you will be asked if you want to install dependencies, type 'y' for yes.
    • Then run firebase init firestore and use the default values.
    • add parser: "babel-eslint", to the .eslintrc.js file
  3. Initializing the Project:
    • Using npm install the following packages: firebase-functions, firebase-admin, firebase-tools, firebaseui, express, cors, babel-eslint@8.2.6, eslint@4.19.1, body-parser, dotenv.
      • Install everything at once: npm install dotenv body-parser firebase-functions express cors firebase-admin firebase-tools babel-eslint@8 eslint@4.x
    • cd into the root folder, then the functions folder, and run npm install
    • Run npm run serve to start the server.
    • TODO: In the test folder you can find Postman files, upload them to your Postman App to ensure the module is working.


Upload firebase-api.postman_collection.json to Postman.
Update the URL to your Firestore URL (Which can be found on your terminal after starting the server).
Follow the examples provided in Postman, and follow the JSON Schemas found in the folder functions/schema.

Common Errors

  1. If you see an error while running npm run lint or npm run serve saying babel-eslint cannot be found, please uninstall eslint and babel-eslint and reinstall them: npm install babel-eslint@8 eslint@4.x
  2. If when you run npm run serve to start the server, the Functions emulator starts but the Firestore emulator is not, please open a terminal in the root of the project and run the following command to start the Firebase Emulator Suite: firebase emulators:start


Please see for guidelines on contributing to this project, submitting feature requests, issues, and even suggestions on improving the and


This project is licensed under the MIT license and is copyright Regina Baher. Please see LICENSE for the full license.