rschragger / MAR

MAR for BCProject1
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Top Ten Music and Lyrics


This application will give you the top ten music tracks on various charts. From this list, you'll be able to view and/or hear the songs and also get the lyrics for each, plus some other interesting information

Table of Contents


Access to website at

Github page at

We have anumber of API calls which require strict CORS. If there is any issue on your browser with these calls not working, please be sure to install the extension and switch it on to enable this application. Please be sure to switch off the extension after use.


Initial view

Screenshot - Initial View

Working views

Note the services available top right, the logo sinifying the current service, the top ten list, the video and the lyrics of the chosen song. Also note we have favourite songs saved. Screenshot - Working view1

Screenshot - Working view2


Google and many Javascript references in w3schools and MDN(Mozilla Dev Network) were used frequently to research topics and syntax used.

API List


© Copyright 2022 Mina Ghaly, Artur Aleksanyan & Reeve Schragger


Future plans