A user centric cloud storage system
The Data Vault is a user-centric cloud service. Allows any user with a digital wallet to connect to their own storage cloud, encrypting their information on the client side.
Connect to RIF Data Vault from your browser app!
import DataVaultWebClient, { AuthManager, AsymmetricEncryptionManager } from '@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-client'
const serviceUrl = 'https://data-vault.identity.rifos.org'
// using Metamask
const address = await window.ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_accounts' }).then(accounts => accounts[0])
const did = `did:ethr:rsk:${address}`
const dataVault = new DataVaultWebClient({
authManager: new AuthManager({ did, serviceUrl, personalSign: (data: string) => window.ethereum.request({ method: 'personal_sign', params: [data, address] }) }),
encryptionManager: AsymmetricEncryptionManager.fromWeb3Provider(window.ethereum)
const key = 'MyKey'
const content = 'this is my content'
const id = await dataVault.create({ key, content })
await dataVault.get({ did, key })
Read the docs and find out more!
- the web SDK. Enables users to log to their clouds with standard web3 wallets@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-provider
- implements the storage layer: storing and pinning files on IPFS@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-service
- API for the Data Vault. This abstraction allows to create different implementations for the storage layer@rsksmart/ipfs-cpinner-client-types
- types for the SDKInstall dependencies
npm i
npm run setup
Install IPFS CLI. Find your option: https://docs.ipfs.io/how-to/command-line-quick-start/.
Init IPFS (once)
ipfs init
Start IPFS Daemon
ipfs daemon
Run tests
npm test
or watch mode with
npm run lint
has latest release. Do merge commits.develop
has latest approved PR. PRs need to pass ci
and LGTM
. Do squash & merge.develop
to add new PRs.develop
.To run a productive instance of the Data Vault refer to Data Vault service configuration