rstudio-education / teaching-workshop-2019-01

Materials for "Teaching the Tidyverse" January 2019 edition
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Teaching the Tidyverse (January 2019 edition)

Copyright 2019, RStudio Inc. All material made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 license.


Please see for the original. (We expect that this material will be folded into that repository once it's completed.)

Day 1

  1. Getting Started (0:15/09:15)

  2. Two Ways to Teach (0:45/10:00)

    • 01-two-ways-to-teach.key
    • Introductions
    • Comparison with movie/play (add comedy improv)
    • Tell participants there's lots of research (much of which people don't know/act on)
    • Explain schedule for both days
    • Explain what active learning is (creates a real-time feedback loop in class)
    • Introduce cognitive architecture diagram (revisit it several times)
      • Teaching is "load into short-term memory and keep it there long enough to be transferred"
    • Bloom's Taxonomy
      • Use revised version from early 2000s
      • Google isn't enough if you don't know what to search for or how to recognize a useful answer when you find one
      • GG added "awareness" to the bottom of the Bloom hierarchy since it's the most realistic goal for a workshop like this
    • Exercise: classify three learning objectives by level
  3. Novice/Competent Practitioner/Expert (0:45/10:45)

    • Mental models
      • Emphasize linkages: we rarely forget completely, but we lose the ability to retrieve
    • Mental models don't have to be right to be useful (ball-and-spring models in chemistry)
    • Concept maps as visual representations of mental models
    • Using concept maps:
      • To design lesson
      • To convey information to learners
      • For insight into their learning
    • Exercise: draw and compare concept maps for ggplot2
  4. Coffee (0:15/11:00)

  5. Teaching as Performance I (0:45/11:45)

  6. The Cognitive Craft (0:45/12:30)

    • Revisit cognitive architecture diagram and introduce 7 +/- 2
    • Lesson "scenes" should fit into working memory
      • Use exercises/discussion/elaborative examples to keep new material there long enough to be transcribed
    • Cognitive load theory (as is)
    • Exercise: outline a faded example
  7. Lunch (0:45/13:15)

  8. Formative Assessment (0:30/13:45)

    • Importance of feedback loop while teaching (for instructor as well as learners)
    • MCQ example
    • Dual purposes of formative assessments (feedback loop + reinforcement)
    • Different kinds of formative assessment
    • Exercise: create MCQ and explain misconceptions it diagnoses
  9. Teaching as Performance II (1:00/14:45)

    • In threes (recorded) using morning rubric
    • Lead up to the MCQ
  10. Coffee (0:15/15:00)

  11. Motivation (0:45/15:45)

    • Three big motivators (self-efficacy, utility, community)
    • Three big demotivators (unpredictability, unfairness, indifference)
    • Zone of Proximal Development
    • Exercise: what demotivates people in programming classes and how do we prevent/fix it?
  12. Multimedia Learning (0:45/16:30)

    • Material drawn primarily from 04-Make-It-Clear.pdf
    • Exercise: create a visual to explain what the course is about
  13. Wrapping Up/Looking Forward (0:30/17:00)

    • Summarize what we have learned
    • Gather open questions
    • Remind participants of Day 2's agenda(s)