rt-2 / RageMP-SAARPV-voiceChat

A peer-to-peer in-game proximity voice chat for RageMP.
MIT License
12 stars 14 forks source link


This is out of date, please use this: https://rage.mp/files/file/112-local-voice-chat-3d/

A peer-to-peer in-game proximity voice chat for RageMP developped for San Andreas Advanced Roleplay V

This script use the PeerJS API which is based on WebRTC.


This project is not near ready to release its first stable version, but as soon as it was presentable, I though it was best to put the code open source because of 2 reasons: for RageMP in general to improve, and for this plugin to develop faster. There is a lot of cleaning to do bare with me, I released this so bugs can be fixed, I do not expect you guys to clean my code

I was aiming toward a VoIP version of this (server-side, not peer-to-peer), but if RAGE implements p2p on it's own there is no reason anymore to do so.

Thank you for your contribution: Kar. Thank you for the help: Amata, Austin, BlackBlitch, Bouzigoloum, James Cole, Kiper, LukEL, Mos, StreetGT, Tobias.