rt711 / opendistro-for-elasticsearch-ansible

OpenDistro for ElasticSearch Ansible deployment
Apache License 2.0
12 stars 3 forks source link


OpenDistro/for-elasticsearch ansible deployment. This playbook deploys a fully functional elasticsearch cluster.


root access to target machines is required.

Playbook Variables

group_vars/main.yml - NameServer group_vars/main.yml - ElasticsearchKibanaPassword - rekey this with ansible vault.


Hosts file filled with target IP addresses in inventory/hosts Run configuration script which generates hashes instead if default passwords.

Example Playbook Usage

Run the playbook with the supplied wrapper script: ./push.sh dev

Inspec tests for compliance

inspec directory contains test_compliance.rb which is checking

inspec exec inspec/test_compliance.rb -t ssh://user@host -i /your/private/ssh/key.pem --sudo


This playbook is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Author Information

Szabolcs Szallar