rtCamp / wp-menu-custom-fields

An example of custom fields for menu in WordPress 5.4+
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menu navigation-menu wordpress wordpress-plugin

WP Menu Custom Fields - v1.1

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

This plugin adds custom fields on menu item's edit screen of wp-admin.

Author: rtCamp

Contributors: rtcamp, sid177, kiranpotphode, devikvekariya, vaishuagola27, deepaklalwani, alvitazwar052, pradeep1308, shreyasikhar26, gagan0123

Tags: Navigation Menu, Navigation Menu Custom Fields

Requires at least: 5.4

Tested up to: 6.0.3

Requires PHP version: 7.0

Stable tag: 1.1

License: GPLv2 or later (of course!)

License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html


This plugin adds custom fields on Appearance -> Menus page of wp-admin (see screenshots) and supports only 1-level menu configuration. It uses wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields hook added in WordPress 5.4 release to add custom fields. Below is the list of custom fields added by this plugin.



  1. Extract the zip file.
  2. Upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory in your WordPress installation.
  3. Activate the WP Menu Custom Fields from your Plugins page.


  1. After installing and activating this plugin, goto Appearance -> Menus of your WordPress admin. Create a menu if you haven't already and add menu items according to your need.
  2. When you expand any menu item, you'll see the custom fields added here (see screenshots). You can see Custom Field and Select Feature options.
  3. Along with Custom Text field, you can choose to use either Image, Shortcode or Custom HTML feature for a particular menu item.
  4. You can click on the option you want to use and the input fields of that option will be visible.

    Using Custom Text field

    • You can enter any text here and it'll be displayed with this menu item.
    • This field can be used by all menu items along with any other feature.

      Using Image

    • By clicking on Select Image button, WordPress' media gallery window will be opened up. You can choose 1 image from already uploaded images or you can upload a new one and select that.
    • The selected image will be shown below Select Image button after you select and close the media gallery window.
    • To remove already selected image, click on Select Image button and deselect the already selected image. You can change the selected image by selecting any other image.
    • You can enter a URL in Image Link text field. On front-end, clicking on the image will lead to this URL.
    • You can enter a caption text in Image Caption field and it'll be displayed below the image on the front-end.

      Using Shortcode

    • You can add a shortcode in Shortcode field. We've added some stylings to handle WordPress' default [video] and [audio] shortcode.
    • You can enter a caption text in Shortcode Caption field and it'll be displayed below the shortcode on the front-end.

      Using Custom HTML

    • TinyMCE editor is used to add custom HTML here.
    • From the Visual tab, you can enter text and format it using tools given in toolbar.
    • You can switch to Text tab to see/change HTML code of the text you entered.


Custom fields added under Appearance -> Menus:

Custom fields added under Appearance -> Menus

Menu on frontend of your website:

Menu on frontend of your website


wp_menu_custom_fields_image_html Filter

wp_menu_custom_fields_shortcode_html Filter

wp_menu_custom_fields_custom_markup_html Filter

wp_menu_custom_fields_custom_text_html Filter

wp_menu_custom_fields_fields_html Filter


## Styling mega menu ##
A theme developer can add stylings for the custom fields added by this plugin by referring to the below sample HTML code.
- Image & Custom text
    - Sample HTML code
<div class="rt-wp-menu-custom-fields-wrapper" style="padding-top: 10px; padding-right: 20px; /* Dynamic stylings added via JavaScript. */">
    <div class="rt-wp-menu-custom-fields-image-wrapper">
        <a href="https://github.com/rtCamp/wp-menu-custom-fields/blob/master/{ Image Link }">
            <img class="rt-wp-menu-custom-fields-image" src="https://github.com/rtCamp/wp-menu-custom-fields/raw/master/{ Selected Image }">
        <span class="rt-wp-menu-custom-fields-image-caption">{ Image Caption }</span>
    <span class="rt-wp-menu-custom-fields-custom-text">{ Custom Text }</span>
- If **Image Link** is entered, then `img` tag will be wrapped inside `a`.
- Custom text will be displayed below the feature's HTML.


Reporting a bug 🐞

Before creating a new issue, do browse through the existing issues for resolution or upcoming fixes.

If you still need to log an issue, making sure to include as much detail as you can, including clear steps to reproduce your issue if possible.

Creating a pull request

Want to contribute a new feature? Start a conversation by logging an issue.

Once you're ready to send a pull request, please run through the following checklist:

  1. Browse through the existing issues for anything related to what you want to work on. If you don't find any related issues, open a new one.

  2. Fork this repository.

  3. Create a branch from develop for each issue you'd like to address and commit your changes.

  4. Push the code changes from your local clone to your fork.

  5. Open a pull request and that's it! We'll with feedback as soon as possible (Isn't collaboration a great thing? 😌)

  6. Once your pull request has passed final code review and tests, it will be merged into develop and be in the pipeline for the next release. Props to you! 🎉

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