rtklibexplorer / RTKLIB

A version of RTKLIB optimized for low cost GNSS receivers, especially u-blox receivers. It is based on RTKLIB 2.4.3 and is kept reasonably closely synced to that branch. This software is provided “AS IS” without any warranties of any kind so please be careful, especially if using it in any kind of real-time application.
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Qt gui monitor: nav empty guard, widths, rtcm ssr #328

Closed ourairquality closed 4 months ago

ourairquality commented 4 months ago

Rework the guarding of the nav eph. The indexing here needs to multiply the offset by the number of sats, see rtksvr.c update_eph(). Also use the nav eph number of element to guard the offset index and fill with a zero eph if oob. The demo5 code has moved to index per sat and then by the offset, and has a per sat number of elements, but the code is similiar.

The width elements were short in setNavigation() and setSat() causing OOB access. Just add the extra entries for now but the cause might need review.

In showRtcmSsr(), slightly rework an iteration over the code indexes to avoid CODE_NONE, although it was not broken and code2obs() does catch an OOB code index.