rubenhorne / ic-issues

Where Jordan and Ryan list and prioritize issues regarding the Internet Computer and its governance
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IC Issues

An open discussion and prioritization of important issues with the Internet Computer that we believe should be addressed.

Issue Structure

  1. Brief and descriptive title
  2. Appropriate labels
    • High Impact, Medium Impact, Low Impact
    • Short-term, Medium-term, Long-term
    • Idea, Traction, Implementing
  3. Brief and accurate description
  4. Known discussions:
    • Tweets:
    • Blog posts:
    • Podcasts:
    • YouTube:
    • Forum threads:
    • NNS proposals:
  5. Status (working on what these checkboxes should be)
    • [ ] Informal information gathering and discussion (phone calls, video calls, tweets, etc)
    • [ ] Formal write up (forum, blog, podcast, etc)
    • [ ] NNS roadmap vote (if applicable)
    • [ ] Implementation
    • [ ] NNS code vote (if applicable)
    • [ ] Issue resolved
  6. Comments should provide current thoughts and next steps for progressing the issue towards implementation

Labeling Methodology

Each issue is labeled with our perception of its impact on the Internet Computer, how long it may take to implement, and a current assessment of its progress. Below is a loose explanation of each label's meaning. Feel free to challenge and improve these labels by opening issues with your constructive criticism.


High Impact

Generally related to critical security features, anything that could be an existential threat to the existence of the Internet Computer or its applications, or anything that would provide absolutely enormous benefits.

Medium Impact

These issues would be excellent additions to the Internet Computer, but are not absolutely critical to its success.

Low Impact

Generally, small or trivial improvements, or applications that ride on top of the Internet Computer. Though the proper functioning of applications is the purpose of the Internet Computer, we are more focused on issues that relate to the base layer protocols themselves.

Time to Implement


~1-2 years


~3-5 years


~5+ years



It's just an idea in one or a few minds. It's mainly been discussed privately, or mentioned a few times in public areas like Twitter.


The idea is spreading to more than a few minds. There is significant public discussion of the issue, and consensus around its implementation is forming.


Some entity (an individual, a company, a DAO, DFINITY, etc) has shown a likely determination to take the issue and implement it or make significant progress on its implementation.