rubixchain / FINAO-SPV-POC

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Transform Encryption

This Rust program demonstrates how to use the Recrypt library to encrypt, transform, and decrypt data using public and private keys.


The program performs the following steps:

create_key_pair() - create new Encryption KeyPairs and Signing Keypairs using rng returns pub_key: [u8; 33], pvt_key: [u8; 32], sign_key: [u8; 32], ver_key: [u8; 33],

encrypt_data() - encrypt data to delegators pub key and splits into fragments. Retruns ciphertext and fragments

decrypt_data() - decrypt data to be called by delegator by passing cipher text and relevant private key


Clone the repository or download the source code.

Compile and run the program: cargo run

Review the output and any assertion errors to understand the behavior of the umbral-rs library.


This program depends on the following crates:

umbral-pre: A crate that provides cryptographic primitives for data encryption, transformation, and decryption. We are using v0.2.0 for compatitbiltiy reasons.