rubrikinc / rubrik_oracle_tools

Utilities for working with Rubrik RBS Oracle backups.
MIT License
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Utilities for working with Rubrik RBS Oracle backups.

Rubrik Oracle Tools Python Scripts

Some basic command line python scripts for managing Rubrik Oracle RBS backups.

These scripts require python 3.7 or greater. This is generally not installed on most system and will need to be installed.

Warning: this code is provided on a best effort basis and is not in any way officially supported or sanctioned by Rubrik. The code in this repository is provided as-is and the author accepts no liability for damages resulting from its use.


:hammer: Installation

Python 3.7 installation instructions for OEL/RHEL linux.

Note you can substitute 3.7.6 for whatever version you would like to use, however unless your OS is very recent it is recommeded to use 3.9 as the highest version. Version 3.10 and up will require a newer version of SSL so more components will need to be upgraded. Currently latest version recommended is 3.9.13.

As root:

yum install gcc openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel
cd /usr/src
tar xzf Python-3.7.6.tgz
cd Python-3.7.6
./configure --enable-optimizations
make altinstall
rm /usr/src/Python-3.7.6.tgz

Now check python:

python3.7 -V

Python 3.7 is now installed.

Download the Rubrik Oracle scripts

Download the Rubrik Oracle Tools Repository As the user that will own the scripts (typically oracle):

git clone

Create a python virtual environment to Run the scripts (optional)

As the user (oracle):

cd to where you want the env
cd /home/oracle/rubrik_oracle_tools/
python3.7 -m venv venv37

Activate the environment (This can be added to your .bash_profile):

source /home/oracle/rubrik_oracle_tools/venv37/bin/activate

Upgrade pip (optional):

pip install --upgrade pip

Install the Rubrik Oracle Tools

cd to the Rubrik Oracle Tools directory

cd /home/oracle/rubrik_oracle_tools/

If installing into a virtual environment, make sure that is activated:

source /home/oracle/rubrik_oracle_tools/venv37/bin/activate

Install the module with setup tools:

pip install --editable .

:gear: Configure the connection parameters

Edit the config.json file with the Rubrik CDM connection parameters or set those parameters as environmental variable (see instructions at You must provide the Rubrik CDM address or an IP in the cluster and either an API token or a user/password.

If you are using a Rubrik Service Account, set the user to the Service Account user id and the password to the Service Account secret in ether the environmental variables or the config file. Note that in the 8.0 release the Service Account must have Administrator Privileges (not recommended) to release the token. If the token is not released you can use 10 per day unless you have support raise that limit.

A Rubrik Service Account user will start with "User:::". That prefix will switch the configuration to use the service account to obtain the on time token.

If you have mandatory TOTP enable you will not be able to use a user/password unless that is a Service Account user/secret.

Example config.json file using Service Account:

  "rubrik_cdm_node_ip": "",
  "rubrik_cdm_token": "",
  "rubrik_cdm_username": "",
  "rubrik_cdm_password": ""
  "rubrik_cdm_username": "",
  "rubrik_cdm_password": ""

You should probably restrict access to the config.json file

chmod 600 config.json

You may also provide a keyfile in most commands using -k full_path_to_keyfile. The keyfile will only work with service account created in the CDM cluster you are connecting to. The format for the keyfile is show below.

    "client_id": "",
    "client_secret": "",
    "name": "Arbitrary_name-Can_be_anything",
    "vault_uri": "https://cdm_cluster_address_or_ip"

When you create the service account, you will be given a id and a secret. In the keyfile add the ID to the client_id and the Secret to the client_secret. Then add the address or IP for the CDM cluster to the vault_uri. The address or IP must have the "https://" prefix in order for the address to work. Now the keyfile can be passed to the command and it will contain all information for the service account connection.

Note that you should probably restrict access to the config.json file

chmod 600 keyfile.json

:mag: Command Summary:

The following will connect to Rubrik, run using the Rubrik Backup Service and can be run from any host:

rubrik_oracle_backup_info - Gets backup information for a database or all databases.
rubrik_oracle_mount_info - Gets information for mounts on a host.
rubrik_oracle_snapshot - Initiates a Rubrik Oracle database backup.
rubrik_oracle_log_backup - Initiates a Rubrik Oracle archive log backup.
rubrik_oracle_backup_mount - Mounts RMAN backups.
rubrik_oracle_db_mount - Live mounts an Oracle database.
rubrik_oracle_db_clone - Clones an Oracle database.
rubrik_oracle_unmount - Removes a Rubrik mount. Can be a live mounted database or RMAN Backups.
rubrik_oracle_backup_validate - Runs an RMAN restore validate to check the backups.
rubrik_oracle_manage_protection - Switches a database to un-protected and back for maintenance.
rubrik_oracle_rbs_refresh - Refresh the database or the host in the Rubrik CDM.

The follow will connect to Rubrik but must also connect to the local Oracle instance. They must be run on the target host:

rubrik_oracle_backup_clone - Duplicates/clones an Oracle databae using RMAN and the RMAN backups from Rubrik. Allow database refresh.
rubrik_oracle_backup_rac_clone - Duplicates/clones an Oracle RAC databae using RMAN on given RAC nodes using the RMAN backups LM from Rubrik. Allow database refresh.
rubrik_oracle_backup_mount_clone - This will do a live mount from the RMAN backups and allow you to change the name prior to the clone.
rubrik_oracle_db_mount_clone - This will do a Rubrik live mount and then change the name after the mount completes.
rubrik_oracle_clone_unmount - Removes a live mount when the name has been changed.

:mag: Available commands:


rubrik_oracle_backup_info --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_backup_info [OPTIONS]

  Displays information about the Oracle database object, the available
  snapshots, and recovery ranges. If no source_host_db is supplied, all non-
  relic Oracle databases will be listed. Recommended console line size is 120

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT  The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>
  -k, --keyfile TEXT         The connection keyfile path
  --insecure                 Flag to use insecure connection
  -d, --debug_level TEXT     Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or CRITICAL.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.


rubrik_oracle_mount_info --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_mount_info [OPTIONS]

      This will print the information about a Rubrik live mount using the
      database name and the live mount host.


  -s, --source_host_db TEXT  The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>
  -m, --mounted_host TEXT    The host with the live mount to remove
  -k, --keyfile TEXT         The connection keyfile path
  --insecure                 Flag to use insecure connection
  -d, --debug_level TEXT     Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or CRITICAL.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.


rubrik_oracle_snapshot --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_snapshot [OPTIONS]

      This will initiate an on demand snapshot (backup) of the database.

      The source database is specified in a host:db format. To force a new full level 0
      image backup of the database set force to True. If you would like to use a different SLA for this snapshot you
      can specify that here also. Note if no SLA is supplied the current sla for this database will be used.

          snapshot_info (dict): The information about the snapshot returned from the Rubrik CDM.

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT  The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>
  -f, --force                Force a new full database image level 0 backup
  --sla TEXT                 Rubrik SLA Domain to use if different than the
                             assigned SLA
  --wait                     Wait for backup to complete.
  -k, --keyfile TEXT         The connection keyfile path
  --insecure                 Flag to use insecure connection
  -d, --debug_level TEXT     Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or
  --help                     Show this message and exit.


rubrik_oracle_log_backup --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_log_backup [OPTIONS]

      This will initiate an on demand archive log backup of the database.

          log_backup_info (dict): The information about the snapshot returned from the Rubrik CDM.

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT  The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>
  --wait                     Wait for backup to complete.
  -k, --keyfile TEXT         The connection keyfile path
  --insecure                 Flag to use insecure connection
  -d, --debug_level TEXT     Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or
  --help                     Show this message and exit.


rubrik_oracle_backup_mount --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_backup_mount [OPTIONS]

      This will mount the requested Rubrik Oracle backup set on the provided

      The source database is specified in a host:db format. The mount path is required. If the restore time is not
      provided the most recent recoverable time will be used. The host for the mount can be specified if it is not it
      will be mounted on the source host. On Rubrik CDM versions prior to 5.2.1, the source database is on a RAC cluster
      the target must be a RAC cluster. On Rubrik CDM versions 5.2.1 and higher, if the source database is on RAC or
      single instance the target can be RAC or a single instance host.
          live_mount_info (dict): The information about the requested files only mount returned from the Rubrik CDM.

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT  The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>
  -m, --mount_path TEXT      The path used to mount the backup files
  -t, --time_restore TEXT    Point in time to mount the DB, format is
                             YY:MM:DDTHH:MM:SS example 2019-01-01T20:30:15
  -h, --host_target TEXT     Host or RAC cluster name (RAC target required if
                             source is RAC)  for the Live Mount
  --timeout INTEGER          Time to wait for mount operation to complete in
                             minutes before script timeouts. Mount will still
                             continue after timeout.
  --no_wait                  Queue Live Mount and exit.
  -k, --keyfile TEXT         The connection keyfile path
  --insecure                 Flag to use insecure connection
  -d, --debug_level TEXT     Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or
  --help                     Show this message and exit.


 rubrik_oracle_db_mount --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_db_mount [OPTIONS]

  Live mount a Rubrik Oracle Backup.

      Gets the backup for the Oracle database on the Oracle database host and will live mount it on the host provided.

          live_mount_info (json); JSON text file with the Rubrik cluster response to the live mount request

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT  The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>
  -h, --host_target TEXT     Host or RAC cluster name (RAC target required if
                             source is RAC)  for the Live Mount   [required]
  -t, --time_restore TEXT    Point in time to mount the DB, iso format is
                             YY:MM:DDTHH:MM:SS example 2019-01-01T20:30:15
  -p, --pfile TEXT           Custom Pfile path (on target host)
  -a, --aco_file_path TEXT   ACO file path for parameter changes
  -o, --oracle_home TEXT     ORACLE_HOME on destination host. Required as
                             option or in ACO File if source is a Data Guard
  --timeout INTEGER          Time to wait for mount operation to complete in
                             minutes before script timeouts. Mount will still
                             continue after timeout.
  --no_wait                  Queue Live Mount and exit.
  -k, --keyfile TEXT         The connection keyfile path
  --insecure                 Flag to use insecure connection
  -d, --debug_level TEXT     Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or
  --help                     Show this message and exit.


  rubrik_oracle_db_clone --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_db_clone [OPTIONS]

  Clones an Oracle Database (alternate host restore or duplicate).

    Initiates an Oracle DB clone using the Rubrik RBS automated clone. This
    can be run on any host since clone will  be initialed on the host_target
    provided. Changing the the name with the new_name parameter requires an
    ACO file   or a custom pfile with the following sets of parameters

  (a) db_file_name_convert, log_file_name_convert, parameter_value_convert
  (b) control_files, db_create_file_dest

   If time restore is not specified, the restore time will be to the latest
   recovery point on Rubrik. The script will  initiate the clone and exit
   unless --wait is specified. Then the script will monitor the async request
   for the  wait time (default 30 min.)

      db_clone_info (json); JSON text file with the Rubrik cluster response to the database clone request

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT  The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>
  -h, --host_target TEXT     Host or RAC cluster name (RAC target required if
                             source is RAC)  for the Live Mount   [required]
  -t, --time_restore TEXT    Point in time to mount the DB, iso format is
                             YY:MM:DDTHH:MM:SS example 2019-01-01T20:30:15
  -n, --new_name TEXT        Name for cloned database
  -p, --pfile TEXT           Custom Pfile path (on target host)
  -a, --aco_file_path TEXT   ACO file path for parameter changes
  -o, --oracle_home TEXT     ORACLE_HOME on destination host. Required as
                             option or in ACO File if source is a Data Guard
  --wait                     Wait for clone to complete. Times out at wait
  --wait_time TEXT           Time for script to wait for clone to complete.
                             Script exits but clone continues at time out.
  -k, --keyfile TEXT         The connection keyfile path
  --insecure                 Flag to use insecure connection
  -d, --debug_level TEXT     Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or
  --help                     Show this message and exit.


rubrik_oracle_unmount --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_unmount [OPTIONS]

  Unmount a Rubrik database or files live mount using the database name and
  the live mount host.

  This will unmount a live mount of an Oracle database or a mount of the RMAN
  backup files. The source database is specified in a host:db format. Note
  that is the original database not the object to be unmounted. The mounted
  host is the host where the live mounted database or the mounted RMAN backup
  files will be unmounted. This works if there is only one live mounted
  database or set of backup files mounted on the host. If there is more than
  one, you can choose to unmount all the mounts on that host (-a) or specify a
  specific mount (-i) to unmount. You can list the mounts on a host using

  Returns:     unmount_info (dict): Status of the unmount request.

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT  The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>
  -m, --mounted_host TEXT    The host with the live mount to remove
  -f, --force                Force unmount
  -a, --all_mounts           Unmount all mounts of the database on the target
  -i, --id_unmount TEXT      Unmount a specific mount using the mount id.
                             Multiple ids seperated by commas.
  --no_wait                  Queue Live Mount and exit.
  -k, --keyfile TEXT         The connection keyfile path
  --insecure                 Flag to use insecure connection
  -d, --debug_level TEXT     Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or CRITICAL.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

rubrik_oracle_backup_validate" --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_backup_validate [OPTIONS]

      This will Validate the requested Rubrik Oracle backup set on source or
      target host or RAC cluster

      The source database is specified in a host:db format.  If the restore time is not
      provided the most recent recoverable time will be used. The host for the validation can be specified if it is not it
      will be validate on the source host.

          oracle_validate_info (dict): The information about the requested database validate returned from the Rubrik CDM.

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT  The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>
  -t, --time_restore TEXT    Point in time to validate the DB, format is
                             YY:MM:DDTHH:MM:SS example 2019-01-01T20:30:15
  -h, --host_target TEXT     Target Host for DB Validation
  --wait                     Wait for the DB Validate to complete. Will
                             timeout after 2 hours.
  -k, --keyfile TEXT         The connection keyfile path
  --insecure                 Flag to use insecure connection
  -d, --debug_level TEXT     Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

rubrik_oracle_manage_protection --help

Usage: [OPTIONS]

  This will pause or resume database backups by managing the protection.

  Pause will stop the database badkups (both database and archive log) by setting the database to Unprotected.
  Resume will restore the last SLA Domain Policy applied (at the last snapshot). If the SLA Domain Policy is
   iherited from the parent object (host/cluster) that can be set using the inherit script parameter (-i) and the
   database will be set to derive it's protection from it's parent. The API Token user must have permissions on the SLA
   Domain Policy to be used. This will only work for Rubrik CDM 7.0 and above.

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT    The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>
  -i, --inherit                Inherit the SLA from the parent object
  -a, --action [pause|resume]  [required]
  --wait                       Wait for backup to complete.
  -k, --keyfile TEXT           The connection keyfile path
  --insecure                   Flag to use insecure connection
  -d, --debug_level TEXT       Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

rubrik_oracle_rbs_refresh --help

Usage: [OPTIONS]

      This will initiate an on demand archive log backup of the database.

          log_backup_info (dict): The information about the snapshot returned from the Rubrik CDM.

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT  The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>
  --no_wait                  Queue database refresh and exit. This option is
                             always set for now.
  -k, --keyfile TEXT         The connection keyfile path
  --insecure                 Flag to use insecure connection
  -d, --debug_level TEXT     Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

The Following must be run on the target host. They require a direct connection to the Oracle database so they must be run on the host where the live mount, clone, or duplicate is being run.


 rubrik_oracle_backup_clone --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_backup_clone [OPTIONS]

      This will use the Rubrik RMAN backups to do a duplicate (or refresh)
      of an Oracle Database.

      The source database is specified in a host:db format. The backup mount path and the new Oracle DB name are required.
      If the restore time is not provided the most recent recoverable time will be used. Command line Oracle path
      parameters must be enclosed in both double quotes and each path within enclosed with single quotes. All the optional
      parameters can be provided in a configuration file. All the flag options must be entered as true false in the
      configuration file. If the Oracle Home is not specified the ORACLE_HOME path from the source database will be used.
      If a log directory is not specified, no log will be created.

  rubrik_oracle_backup_clone -s jz-sourcehost-1:ora1db -m /u02/oradata/restore -n oracln -t 2020-11-06T00:06:00 -p 8
  -l /home/oracle/clone_logs --no_file_name_check --refresh_db
  --db_file_name_convert "'/u02/oradata/ora1db/','/u02/oradata/oracln/'"
  --control_files "'/u02/oradata/oracln/control01.ctl','/u02/oradata/oracln/control02.ctl'"
  --log_file_name_convert "'/u02/oradata/ora1db/','u02/oradata/oracln/'"
  --audit_file_dest "'/u01/app/oracle/admin/clonedb/adump'"
  --core_dump_dest "'/u01/app/oracle/admin/clonedb/cdump'"

  Example Configuration File:
  ### The following line is required:
  ### All parameters are optional. Command line flags are boolean (true/false)
  ### The degree of parallelism to use for the RMAN duplicate (default is 4)
  # parallelism = 4
  ### Do not restore the spfile renaming the parameters with the new db name.
  # no_spfile = true
  ### Pint in time for duplicate
  # time_restore = 2020-11-08T00:06:00
  ### ORACLE_HOME if different than source db
  # oracle_home = /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1
  ### Do not check for existing files
  # no_file_name_check = true
  ### Refresh an existing database. The database will be shutdown and the existing file will be overwritten.
  ### Requires no_file_name_check = True
  # refresh_db = True
  ### Control File locations
  # control_files = '/u02/oradata/clonedb/control01.ctl','/u02/oradata/clonedb/control02.ctl'
  ### Remap the database files
  # db_file_name_convert = '/u02/oradata/ora1db/','/u02/oradata/clonedb/'
  ### Remap the redo log locations
  # log_file_name_convert = '/u02/oradata/ora1db/','u02/oradata/clonedb/'
  ### Set the audit file destination path
  # audit_file_dest = '/u01/app/oracle/admin/clonedb/adump'
  ### Set the core dump destination path
  # core_dump_dest = '/u01/app/oracle/admin/clonedb/cdump'
  ### Directory where logs will be created. If not provided not logs will be created
  # log_path = /home/oracle/clone_logs

  rubrik_oracle_backup_clone -s jz-sourcehost-1:ora1db -m /u02/oradata/restore -n oracln -f /home/oracle/clone_config.txt

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT      The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>

  -m, --mount_path TEXT          The path used to mount the backup files

  -n, --new_oracle_name TEXT     Name for the cloned live mounted database

  -f, --configuration_file TEXT  Oracle duplicate configuration file, can be
                                 used for all optional parameters. Overrides
                                 any set as script options

  -t, --time_restore TEXT        The point in time for the database clone in
                                 iso 8601 format (2019-04-30T18:23:21)

  -o, --oracle_home TEXT         ORACLE_HOME path for this database clone
  -p, --parallelism TEXT         The degree of parallelism to use for the RMAN

  --no_spfile                    Restore SPFILE and replace instance specific
                                 parameters with new DB name

  --no_file_name_check           Do not check for existing files and overwrite
                                 existing files. Potentially destructive use
                                 with caution

  --refresh_db                   Refresh and existing database. Overwriting
                                 exiting database. Requires

  --control_files TEXT           Locations for control files. Using full paths
                                 in single quotes separated by commas

  --db_file_name_convert TEXT    Remap the datafile locations. Using full
                                 paths in single quotes separated by commas in
                                 pairs of 'from location','to location'

  --log_file_name_convert TEXT   Remap the redo log locations. Using full
                                 paths in single quotes separated by commas in
                                 pairs of 'from location','to location'

  --audit_file_dest TEXT         Set the path for the audit files. This path
                                 must exist on the target host

  --core_dump_dest TEXT          Set the path for the core dump files. This
                                 path must exist on the target host

  -l, --log_path TEXT            Log directory, if not specified the
                                 mount_path with be used.

  -d, --debug_level TEXT         Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or

  --help                         Show this message and exit.


 rubrik_oracle_backup_mount_clone --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_backup_mount_clone [OPTIONS]

      This will live mount the database with a new name. 

      The source database is specified in a host:db format. The backup mount path is required. If the restore time is not
      provided the most recent recoverable time will be used. The host for the mount clone must be specified along with
      the directory for the temp, redo, etc. and the new database name. If the Oracle Home is not specified the ORACLE
      HOME path from the source database will be used. This is for a single instance database only, at present it will
      NOT work on RAC. It has not yet been tested with ASM.

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT   The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>

  -m, --mount_path TEXT       The path used to mount the backup files

  -h, --host_target TEXT      Host or RAC cluster name (RAC target required if
                              source is RAC)  for the Live Mount.  [required]

  -n, --new_oracle_name TEXT  Name for the cloned live mounted database

  -f, --files_directory TEXT  Location for Oracle files written to the host,
                              control files, redo, etc.  [required]

  -o, --oracle_home TEXT      ORACLE_HOME path for this database clone
  -t, --time_restore TEXT     The point in time for the database clone in  iso
                              8601 format (2019-04-30T18:23:21)

  -d, --debug_level TEXT      Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or CRITICAL.
  --help                      Show this message and exit.


  rubrik_oracle_backup_rac_clone --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_backup_rac_clone [OPTIONS]

      This will use the Rubrik RMAN backups to do a duplicate (or refresh)
      of a source Oracle RAC Database to target RAC database with new name on
      mentioned RAC nodes of a RAC cluster.       The source database is
      specified in format <RAC cluster>:<database>. The RAC target nodes,
      backup mount path,new Oracle DB name,  db_file_name_convert,
      log_file_name_convert, parameter_value_convert, audit_file_dest are
      required. If the restore time is not provided the most recent
      recoverable time will be used. Command line Oracle path       parameters
      must be enclosed in both double quotes and each path within enclosed
      with single quotes. All the optional       parameters can be provided in
      a configuration file. All the flag options must be entered as true false
      in the       configuration file. If the Oracle Home is not specified the
      ORACLE_HOME path from the source database will be used.  If a log
      directory is not specified, no log will be created.

    rubrik_oracle_backup_rac_clone -s orcl-sr-cluster:ORA19C -r orcl-tgt-1,orcl-tgt-2 -m /home/oracle/restore   -t 2023-08-06T00:06:00
    -n clonetst -l /home/oracle/clone_logs  -p 8 --audit_file_dest "'/home/oracle/adump'" --db_file_name_convert "'+DATA','+DATA1'"
    --log_file_name_convert "'+DATA','+DATA1','+RECO','+RECO1'" --parameter_value_convert "'ORA19C','clonetst'" --refresh_db --no_file_name_chec
      This will use the Rubrik RMAN backups to do a duplicate (or refresh) of an RAC Oracle Database.

  Example Configuration File:
  ### The following line is required:
  ### All parameters are optional. Command line flags are boolean (true/false)
  ### The degree of parallelism to use for the RMAN duplicate (default is 4)
  # parallelism = 4
  ### Do not restore the spfile renaming the parameters with the new db name.
  # no_spfile = true
  ### Pint in time for duplicate
  # time_restore = 2020-11-08T00:06:00
  ### ORACLE_HOME if different than source db
  # oracle_home = /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1
  ### Do not check for existing files
  # no_file_name_check = true
  ### Refresh an existing database. The database will be shutdown and the existing file will be overwritten.
  ### Requires no_file_name_check = True
  # refresh_db = True
  ### Control File locations
  # control_files = '/u02/oradata/clonedb/control01.ctl','/u02/oradata/clonedb/control02.ctl'
  ### Remap the database files
  # db_file_name_convert = '/u02/oradata/ora1db/','/u02/oradata/clonedb/'
  ### Remap the redo log locations
  # log_file_name_convert = '/u02/oradata/ora1db/','u02/oradata/clonedb/'
  ### Set the audit file destination path
  # audit_file_dest = '/u01/app/oracle/admin/clonedb/adump'
  ### Set the core dump destination path
  # core_dump_dest = '/u01/app/oracle/admin/clonedb/cdump'
  ### Directory where logs will be created. If not provided not logs will be created
  # log_path = /home/oracle/clone_logs

  rubrik_oracle_backup_rac_clone -s orcl-sr-cluster:ORA19C -r orcl-tgt-1,orcl-tgt-2 -m /home/oracle/restore -n oracln -f /home/oracle/clone_config.txt

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT       The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>
  -r, --rac_node_list TEXT        Provide the list of RAC DB clone nodes
                                  separated by ,  [required]
  -m, --mount_path TEXT           The path used to mount the backup files
  -n, --new_oracle_name TEXT      Name for the cloned live mounted database
  -f, --configuration_file TEXT   Oracle duplicate configuration file, can be
                                  used for all optional parameters. Overrides
                                  any set as script options
  -t, --time_restore TEXT         The point in time for the database clone in
                                  iso 8601 format (2019-04-30T18:23:21)
  -o, --oracle_home TEXT          ORACLE_HOME path for this database clone
  -u, --undo_tbsp TEXT            Name of the UNDO tablespace format (default:
  -c, --spfile_loc TEXT           ASM DG for SPFILE (default:+DATA)  +DATA/{ne
  -p, --parallelism TEXT          The degree of parallelism to use for the
                                  RMAN duplicate
  --no_spfile                     Restore SPFILE and replace instance specific
                                  parameters with new DB name
  --no_file_name_check TEXT       Do not check for existing files and
                                  overwrite existing files. Potentially
                                  destructive use with caution
  --refresh_db TEXT               Refresh and existing database. Overwriting
                                  exiting database. Requires
  --control_files TEXT            Locations for control files. Using full
                                  paths in single quotes separated by commas
  --db_file_name_convert TEXT     Remap the datafile locations. Using full
                                  paths in single quotes separated by commas
                                  in pairs of 'from location','to location'
  --log_file_name_convert TEXT    Remap the redo log locations. Using full
                                  paths in single quotes separated by commas
                                  in pairs of 'from location','to location'
  --parameter_value_convert TEXT  Converts parameter names that contain the
                                  names 'from name','to name'
  --audit_file_dest TEXT          Set the path for the audit files. This path
                                  must exist on the target host
  --core_dump_dest TEXT           Set the path for the core dump files. This
                                  path must exist on the target host
  -l, --log_path TEXT             Log directory, if not specified the
                                  mount_path with be used.
  -d, --debug_level TEXT          Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


 rubrik_oracle_backup_mount_clone --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_backup_mount_clone [OPTIONS]

      This will live mount the database with a new name. 

      The source database is specified in a host:db format. The backup mount path is required. If the restore time is not
      provided the most recent recoverable time will be used. The host for the mount clone must be specified along with
      the directory for the temp, redo, etc. and the new database name. If the Oracle Home is not specified the ORACLE
      HOME path from the source database will be used. This is for a single instance database only, at present it will
      NOT work on RAC. It has not yet been tested with ASM.

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT   The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>

  -m, --mount_path TEXT       The path used to mount the backup files

  -h, --host_target TEXT      Host or RAC cluster name (RAC target required if
                              source is RAC)  for the Live Mount.  [required]

  -n, --new_oracle_name TEXT  Name for the cloned live mounted database

  -f, --files_directory TEXT  Location for Oracle files written to the host,
                              control files, redo, etc.  [required]

  -o, --oracle_home TEXT      ORACLE_HOME path for this database clone
  -t, --time_restore TEXT     The point in time for the database clone in  iso
                              8601 format (2019-04-30T18:23:21)

  -d, --debug_level TEXT      Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or CRITICAL.
  --help                      Show this message and exit.


 rubrik_oracle_db_mount_clone --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_db_mount_clone [OPTIONS]

  Live mount an Oracle database from a Rubrik Oracle Backup and rename the
  live mounted database.

      Live mounts an Oracle database from the Rubrik backups. The database is then shutdown, mounted, and
      the name changed using the Oracle NID utility. Note that live mounted databases that have had the
      name changed will need to be cleaned up after the database is unmounted. The
      rubrik_oracle_db_clone_unmount utility will both unmount the live mount and cleanup the database

          live_mount_info (json); JSON text file with the Rubrik cluster response to the live mount request

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT   The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>

  -h, --host_target TEXT      Host or RAC cluster name (RAC target required if
                              source is RAC)  for the Live Mount   [required]

  -n, --new_oracle_name TEXT  Name for the cloned database  [required]
  -t, --time_restore TEXT     Point in time to mount the DB, iso format is
                              YY:MM:DDTHH:MM:SS example 2019-01-01T20:30:15

  -d, --debug_level TEXT      Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or

  --help                      Show this message and exit.


 rubrik_oracle_clone_unmount --help
Usage: rubrik_oracle_clone_unmount [OPTIONS]

  This will unmount a Rubrik live mount that has had the name changed after
  the live mount  using the the live mount host:Original DB Name, new Oracle
  DB name and the ORACLE_HOME

  -s, --source_host_db TEXT   The source <host or RAC cluster>:<database>

  -m, --mounted_host TEXT     The host with the live mount to remove

  -n, --new_oracle_name TEXT  Oracle database clone name. If unmounting more
                              than one separate with commas.  [required]

  -o, --oracle_home TEXT      ORACLE_HOME path for the mounted database(s) if
                              different than source database ORACLE_HOME

  -a, --all_mounts            Unmount all mounts from the source host:db.
                              Provide all the clone names separated by commas.

  -d, --debug_level TEXT      Logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or CRITICAL.
  --help                      Show this message and exit.