rubyforgood / applied-conservation

MIT License
7 stars 17 forks source link

View performance data on Skylight

Applied Conservation

An application to help organize and plan reservation projects.


Ruby & Rails versions

The application is tested and developed on Ruby 2.5.1 and Rails 5.2.


Members of the TurboCAP team can get the config/master.key file from another team member or you can generate your own:

ruby -rsecurerandom -e 'puts SecureRandom.hex' > config/master.key

This will let you edit the config/credentials.yml.enc file. We need to use a temporary secret key to appease Devise while we edit our credentials, so we'll set a SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variable for the duration of the rails credentials:edit command:

SECRET_KEY_BASE=abcdef rails credentials:edit

You don't need to put anything in this file. Rails will generate a proper secret_key_base for you, so you can just save and exit your editor after it loads.


To run the application locally for development, follow the below commands after installing Ruby and Postgresql.

gem install bundler
bundle install
yarn install
bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load db:migrate db:seed
rails s

JavaScript Development

You can run bin/webpack-dev-server to run the "hot" webpack server while working on any React components.



Run the tests with bin/rake or rspec


Run the tests with yarn test or yarn test-watch