rubyforgood / coral

An upcoming project for Ruby for Good
MIT License
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Secure and configure deployment #51

Open cflipse opened 4 years ago

cflipse commented 4 years ago

Find a place to deploy to.

Need a Rails, NGinx host and s3 compatible storage for images.

For test / demo purposes, this can be a DigitalOcean team. For production, we need to poke around and see if we can get some sponsored / cheap deployment. RFG proper may have some leads on this, or I may be able to talk to someone at DO about getting credits / a free account.

CraigJZ commented 4 years ago

For long-term hosting we have pointed organizations to Microsoft's non-profit hosting. Unfortunately, RFG doesn't have any sponsored hosting at the moment. If there might be a chance to do something with Digital Ocean for this project, I'm happy to provide any info that is needed from RFG.