rubyforgood / coral

An upcoming project for Ruby for Good
MIT License
13 stars 11 forks source link

Coral Gardeners

Coral Gardeners is an NGO based in Mo’orea, French Polynesia, with a mission to save coral reefs through coral gardening. Their work involves two primary activities related to that mission:

The Problem

Tracking restoration activities is a manual process involving the use of an underwater writing board, which then has to be transferred to a log booking system. This process is lengthy and labor intensive, and requires staff to perform calculations to determine the current status of their coral tables. It is also relatively opaque, making historical information and trends very difficult to access and assess.

About this Project

This is a project initiated for Ruby for Good 2019. The intent of this project is to create a digital logbook that can be used for tracking all activities around the coral tables.

We will be doing this by building a Ruby on Rails app with the ability to review and analyze the daily activities around their garden. Some things to keep in mind as we build this:

Contributing to this Project

We would love to have your help!

To get started, check out the CONTRIBUTING doc for technical and process instructions, and be sure to read our Code of Conduct. Read DESIGN for a description of the overall project architecture and patterns.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. For more details, see the LICENSE file.

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