rubyforgood / coral

An upcoming project for Ruby for Good
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Small update to new restoration activity form #70

Closed meg-gutshall closed 4 years ago

meg-gutshall commented 4 years ago

Contributes to #59


I've never worked with Simple Form before and their docs don't cover how to style the code (neither does Bootstrap's docs) so this is as far as I got tonight.

Type of change


Small screen Screen Shot 2019-08-16 at 12 45 29 AM

Large screen Screen Shot 2019-08-16 at 12 45 54 AM

cflipse commented 4 years ago

Let's hold on this for a moment.

Simple form emits the bootstrap compatible structure, so I think your change here ends up double-nesting all of the form-control tags.

I think that you can just add the styling classes to the input call:

     <%= f.input :bleached_corals, class: "col-6 col-sm-12" %>

and that will put things in the correct locations.

We probably want to have a talk about using simple_form in general, however.

As for growing font-button sizes, we're using the Sass verison of bootstrap; I'm going to suggest that we look at using it's configuration variables rather than directly styling, so that we don't end up chasing a ton of cascade effects from having one thing larger than everything else thinks it's going to be.