rubyforgood / coral

An upcoming project for Ruby for Good
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Nursery table feature #72

Closed conj40 closed 4 years ago

conj40 commented 4 years ago


Resolves #63


This change has added to the nursery table dashboard by showing most-recent-first history of restoration activities taken place at the nursery.

New gems that are required gem 'will_paginate', '~> 3.1.0'

Type of change

How Has This Been Tested?

I have created new zones, nursery tables and activity entry logs and no problems on my local machine.


before Screenshot 2019-08-14 at 21 33 09


Screenshot 2019-08-15 at 22 05 47

cflipse commented 4 years ago

Please, don't change application configuration in a styling PR. Will paginate is not the pagination gem I'd prefer to go with. For the time being, because we're just chasing a demo at the moment, we can dispense with pagination altogether, and add that in later.

For log entries, we're probably going to want something closer to a table; the card display are fine when the thing is a distinct element (like reviewing the current state of all tables) but for scanning over a history, having to parse english text is not the purpose.

A table should have:

cflipse commented 4 years ago

Yes, that's fine.

It's a good question, actually, because there are places where I don't want to draw the has-many lines (in general, I don't think that zone should have any drawn connections, for example) ... too many connections build a spiderweb that's hard to untangle later, but it works here.